Dr. Shanker Adawal
Venus is indeed associated with many fascinating aspect of life. He rules the wife, conveyance, set harmony and union, art, attachment, family happiness, marriage in general, vitality, fertility, physical beauty and friendliness. Mars abounds in energy, aggressiveness, fortitude, driving force and in association with Venus, a tendency to excess of sensual gratification. It is, therefore, necessary that in the horoscopes of the couple, Mars-Venus conjunction or opposition should have a benefic steadying effect of a favourable disposition of Jupiter; or in the alternative the conjunction or opposition takes place in the constellations of Jupiter or Mercury or even Venus; Jupiter and Mercury being more preferable. Venus-Mars disposition is an important factor for physical attraction. But, in the absence of Jupiter’s or even Saturn’s benign influence, real compatibility may be lacking. Venus-Mars conjunction makes one fond of pleasure, demonstrative, and adds a zest to one’s sensual life. When Venus and Mars are involved in adverse aspects, difficulty through excesses and trouble through marriage follow as a matter of consequence. Venus in a good sign or constellation can temper the roughness of Mars, but if Rahu is also involved, it makes one lascivious, lewd and wicked. Whether in the horoscope of boy or a girl, Ketu-Venus-Mars association (or even mutual aspect) is not desirable unless the constellation involved belongs to Jupiter or Mercury or even benefic Moon, though the last circumstance might render the native’s thinking highly sensual. Ketu-Venus-Mars (or Saturn) denotes danger of scandal in marriage. But if the 10th or house of Karma is well disposed, the affection becomes somewhat tempered.
Let us take the example of a person having Venus-Mars conjunction in Taurus, the Lagna being Scorpio, Venus, Kalatrakaraka in the 7th is not generally favoured by ancient writers on the theory of Karakobhavansaya as the indications of the 7th are said to be inhibited. Experience has, however, revealed that this textual dictum is not quite valid. In fact Venus in the 7th is one of the finest combinations for a fairly happy marriage, denoting affection between the couple. When, in the case under reference, Venus is in Krittika ruled by the Sun and Mars, is in Mrigashira, the 7th house gains considerable strength and the married life will be happy though crossed by frequent emotional clashes. If such a native is married to one who has Taurus rising with Venus and Mars in Scorpio, each will constantly try to appease the dictates of the other’s emotions and over-indulge in sensual pleasures to the utter detriment of their health. Venus in Taurus is good, but in a fiery constellation (Krittika) it gives rise to stubbornness. In Rohini on the other hand, the finer qualities of Venus find expression. It is always better to look for trinal or quadrangular dispositions of Mars from the Lagna or the Moon, no matter even if they conjoin provided they are in different constellations. A similar disposition in the partner’s horoscopes is desirable though not essential.
In selecting partners for marriage, more than Kuta agreement, it is the basic structure of the horoscopes that is important. One may possess outer-charm but may have a stony heart, acute selfishness and self-aggrandisement. Generally those who have a conjunction of the Sun, Mars and Mercury in the ascendant will be disposed as above unless there are relieving features such as the aspect of Jupiter. We have with us a number of horoscopes in the Moon occupies a martian constellation with the Sun and Saturn in the 12th therefrom. Many of them have confessed that their married lives have been beds of thorns. When the lord of the 7th is in the 6th with Venus in the constellation of Rahu, one will be frigid, though attractive. It is not the purpose of this article to discuss the basic affinities which are to be considered before judging the marriage adaptability but to emphasize the need for assessing the structure of the horoscopes and their inherent benefic content.
Just for illustration, we give below a chart which is typical of a broken marriage. The native being a Hindu, there was no legal divorce.