Dr. Shanker Adawal
At least in Indian parlance, marriage was and in regarded as a sacrament comprehending the equality of the partner in respect of the four-fold goal of life, viz. Dharma (right conduct), Artha (the economic aspect), Kama (sex-relation) and Moksha (spiritual progress), and is not just a civil contract terminable at the desire of either of the contracting interest to the community. Stable families make for stable communities and stable communities make for a stable nation. Hence the importance given to marriage in the Indian Society. Pseudo-rationalists may wax eloquent on public platforms over inter-racial, inter-communal and inter-religious marriages with an eye on cheap publicity in the Press. But in actual practice, such marriages have not proved successful because of cultural and other differences. After a careful consideration of all these factors, the ancient Hindus had devised anastrological means of judging marriage compatibility whereby the relations between the couple could stand the strain of mal-adjustments. Pseudo-sociologists are not wanting in India who are ever ready to point out their finger of contempt at the sound and sensible institution of marriage developed by the Hindu after centuries of experiment and experience. Let us face facts as they are and not gloss over them in the name of “modernism”. The majority of marriages are performed only on the basis of astrological consideration.
Recently an enterprising Indian scholar had a German Professor of Sociology as his guest. The German Professor remarked that he found the institution of marriage much more of a success in India and that he could feel the presence of a deeper harmony in domestic relations in India than in any other civilized region he had so far visited. The Indian Professor’s reply was that this stability and harmony were probably due to the system of matrimonial matching of horoscopes, invariably resorted to by parents prior to the settling of marriages. The Indian Scholar started collecting case histories of married couples and he managed to get 603 cases for study. The age-group selected was 30 to 40. All the people concerned were born between 1931-40 and married between 1955-60. The economic back-ground was mostly rural and agricultural though 22% of the case histories concerned people who derived their livelihood from commercial and industrial occupations. In most cases, the informants were males. It was found that divorces and separations were about 6% and deaths of husbands or wives 10%. The Scholar’s findings were that 47% was positive, 42% neutral and 11% negative. By positive he means very successful marriages. By neutral he means a fair degree of harmony in domestic lives. And by negative he means disharmonious family lives. His conclusion is that these figures prove the efficacy of astrology in marital settlements.
The inter relations between the planetary and stellar positions and the sentiments of men and women are very intimate. Apart from the other astrological considerations, mutual dispositions of Mars and Venus are to be carefully considered. It cannot be a coincidence that divorce, separation and crimes of passion increase whenever there is a conjunction of Venus and Mars in the heavens, especially when the constellations involved are those of malefic planets. The Venus-Mars configuration could of course be one of one contributing factors. Children born when there is a Venus-Mars conjunction should be brought up in a disciplined manner and should be made to avoid dissipating habits of immediate pleasure. The adverse effects of the conjunctions could be made to express through constructive channel, if Jupiter aspects the combination or is in quadrant therefrom.