Here too astrologers sanctioned the match merely by matching Mars. Should the astrologers of the time not have checked whether the other houses had planets that are not detrimental to each other? Their misfortune is that they never could set up a house or have a family. Neither is there any possibility oft his occurring in the future. The bride sat at her parental house waiting for the husband to take her home. This was such a strange combination of stars and planets in her horoscope that the minute she reached his house his temperature abruptly rose to 104 degrees Celsius and he was bed ridden. The minute she left for her maternal home, his health improved. Hence though they were married they could never live together. Who is responsible for this? Not the couple but the astrologers who irresponsibly sanctioned the match. While matching the horoscopes it is noteworthy that Mars in the wife’s horoscope could not succeed in killing the husband but then the Sun-Saturn combine in her ascendant should not have been missed by the astrologer who sanctioned the match.
Example Nine
Mrs. Harigangabai Shaha, born in Surat at sunrise in 1811
Three months after she was born, her father died and she was married when she was 13. Three months later her husband died. They had no children. This was all due to Sun, Saturn and Mars in a triangular alignment in the ascendant.
Example TenA woman born on 1-7-1923 in the afternoon at Puna ad Virgo ruling the ascendant, Jupiter in the House of Wealth, Mercury and Venus in the Tenth House, Sun and Mars in the House of Gain, and Rahu in Leo plus the Moon in the House of Expenditure. She was married on 4-2-1941 and on 10-3-1941 her husband died. He was a doctor and she was also studying medicine. The widowhood was a result of Saturn, Rahu and Moon combined with the Jupiter in the House of Wealth.
Example Eleven
Wife born in 1829 at latitude 36-54 with Leo ascendant
Husband – born in 1815 at latitude 27 on 4-9-1793
After marriage they were poverty stricken but had a harmonious marriage. They had a lot of children. Since Mars in the Eighth House is followed by Saturn in the wife’s horoscope, but in the husband’s horoscope Sun is in the ascendant with Saturn and Mars in the House of wealth, they were not too badly afflicted.
Example twelve
A woman was born on 2-12-1912 at Amravati at 9 p.m. Gemini ruled the ascendant, Moon in Virgo in the Fourth House, Sun – Mars – Mercury combine in the Fifth House, Venus – Jupiter combine in the Seventh House, Neptune in the House of Fate, Rahu in the Tenth House and Saturn in Taurus in the House of Expenditure.
The husband’s horoscope has Jupiter in an Aquarius ascendant, Saturn in the House of expenditure and Mars in the Tenth House. Since the Sun in her horoscope is impacted adversely by Mars she was fortunate but had no children.
From the above examples it is clear that women who have either Mars – Saturn combine or Mars impacted by a malefic influence in the Fourth or Seventh Houses will either never get married, or have an unhappy marriage or be widowed early. To offset this, any of the following inauspicious combines should be present in the husband’s horoscope – Venus – Saturn or anything which indicates a second marriage. Then they will live happily but in a poverty stricken state. In the same manner in which a malefic Mars can adversely affect the husband, a retrograde Venus in a male horoscope affects the wife. But the two cancel out each other. Hence no astrologer should consider only the effects of Mars when predicting matches for marriage. This must be done only after checking the placement of Sun and Saturn.