Mars & Mercury: Impact of Various Nakshatras Ruled by Mercury, Chapter XXVI, Part 1

Chapter 26

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Hasta (Virgo)

1. Notable Personality born on this star:

KUCHELA, Swamy Vivekananda, Mikado (Japan), Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya.

2. Characteristics of native born on this star:

Reputed; arrogant; habitually helping & protecting others; wealthy; likes company of young ladies; generosity comparable to that of a king; devotion to God and learned people; keen intellect; proficient; upper hand in duels/arguments; suffers some amount of sorrow on account of wife; dutiful sons; strong build; liked by the far sex; courageous, god looking, dominating.

3. The following are the additional characteristics of native born in this star but in:

First quarter, which is called KROORAMSA:-

Sinful in actions; strong & healthy; benevolent; devotion to God; over-sexed.

Second Quarter, which is called MUKTTAMSA:-

Good-natured; interest in reading moral literature; idle; famous; without enemies.

Third Quarter, which is called PANDITAAMSA:-

Pleasure-seeking; business knack; noble mind.

Fourth Quarter, which is called DHANAAMSA:-

Engaged in professions connected with Govt/king; honoured; slightly quick tempered.

4. General Indications for one born on this star:-

a. In the first year of birth, fear from fever;

b. In the 2nd year, loss of wealth;

c. In the 3rd year, fear from enemies and expenses;

d. In the 4th year, loss of wealth;

e. In the 6th year, fear of life;

f. In the 10th year, fear from enemies;

g. In the 22nd year, fear from blood disorders & bile complaints;

h. In the 24th year, happy company of relatives & auspicious celebrations; diseases on head;

i. In the 42nd year, fear from enemies/weapons; upset of bile;

j. In the 58th year (fear of death, which if the native survives, or 60th year) will enjoy longevity upto 80 years.

5. Birth Marks:

Birth-mark resembling a FISH anywhere on body.

6. Puberty:

A girl attaining puberty on this day will be blessed with children.

7. For EVERYONE, this day is good for:-

ROOTHU, PUMSAVANA, marriage, ear-boring, starting education for children, religious studies, oil bath, wearing new clothes and ornaments, shaving, processions, buying cows and quadrupeds, all agricultural operations, buying precious stones, starting medical treatment, digging wells/tanks, religious sacrifices, coronation, meeting important people, all auspicious functions including erection of new houses.

8. Fever/Diseases:

Fever starting on this day will trouble the native for 7 days.


Shanker Adawal

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