Dr. Shanker Adawal
33. Mars, Saturn, Rahu: 12-53-20 – 14-53-20.
As Rahu indicates so shall be the prediction.
34. Mars, Saturn, Jupiter: 14-53-20 – 16-40-00.
Incurable disease in the sexual organ denoted by Scorpio.
35. Mars, Mercury, Mercury: 16-40-00 – 18-33-20.
Good health. Poor digestion.
36. Mars, Mercury, Ketu: 18-3-20 – 19-20-00.
As per Ketu you may offer the prediction.
37. Mars, Mercury, Venus: 19-20-00 – 21-33-20.
Complicated disease, venereal distemper.
38. Mars, Mercury, Sun: 21-33-20 – 22-13-20.
Epileptic (Mars and Mercury for fits) violent hysterial as Mars is for violence.
39. Mars, Mercury, Moon: 22-13-20 – 23-20-00.
Very healthy body, changeability due to Moon. Crossing floor, bleeding piles.
40. Mars, Mercury, Mars: 23-20-00 – 24-6-40.
Stone in bladder, kidney. Surgical aid for the womb/ovaries.
41. Mars, Mercury, Rahu: 24-6-40 – 26-6-40.
42. Mars, Mercury, Jupiter: 26-6-40 – 27-53-20.
Incurable disease, complicated disease.
43. Mars, Mercury, Saturn: 27-53-20 – 30-00-00.
Injury in his bone. Chronic complaint-piles.