Dr. Shanker Adawal
Various Diseases which are governed by Mars
MRIGASHIRA – First half: 230 -20’ in Taurus to 30o Taurus ruled by Venus. Star governed by Mars.
Diseases: Pimples, cuts and injuries in those parts, pain in the throat, adenoids, diphtheria, weak loins and King’s evil, nose blood, constipation, venereal distemper, polypus.
MRIGASHIRA – Second half: 0o to 6o -40’ Gemini signed owned by Mercury and star governed by Mars.
Diseases: Corrupted blood, itches, wounds, and fracture of arms, collarbone fractured, femur, sciatica, surfeit, fever, pains in the shoulders near collar bone and arms, disorders in secret parts, inflammation of pericardium.
CHITRA – First half: 14th Star. In Virgo 28o -20’ to 30. Sign lord is Mercury. Star lord is Mars.
Diseases: Ulcers sharp and acute pains, choleric humours, worms irritation and itching, legs paining, dry-griping pain, wounds from insects, reptiles and animals.
CHITRA – 3rd and 4th Padas. In Libra 0o to 6o -40’. Sign ruled by Venus and the Star by Mars.
DHANISHTA – First Half: In Capricorn 23o -20’ to 30o . Sign ruled by Saturn and star by Mars.
Diseases: Injury in the leg, boils, Eosinophilia, dry cough, Hiccough, flying gout, lameness, amputation.
DHANISHTA – Second half: i.e. third and fourth padas. In Aquarius 0o to 6o 40’. Sign ruled by Saturn and Star by Mars.
Significance of each Sub ruled by Mars
What each sub, under Mars, indicates is given below:-
1. Mars, Ketu, Ketu: 0-00-00 – 0-46-40.
Congestion in the brains, epilepsy, Coma;
2. Mars, Ketu, Venus: 0-46-40 – 3-00-99.
Headache, eye trouble, eruptive fever.
3. Mars, Ketu, Sun: 3-00-00 – 3-40-00.
Cerebral anaemia, Reddish-sore eyes