Mars and Mercury: Mars, Chapter II, Part – 9


Dr. Shanker Adawal

Physique: Most people have said that Mars’ physique is burly and this is apparent from the physical build of the people in professions that it dominates: policemen, soldiers etc. They always have to maintain and erect posture without looking downwards even once.

Defeat: Mars is always defeated by Saturn say most astrologers but in my experience it is the exact opposite that happens. It is inevitably Mars which defeats Saturn.

Hour of Power: It has already been stated when Mars is powerful. Parashar says that it is powerful during twilight hours while Jayadeva says it is powerful at night. I feel the latter is right. He has also mentioned that Mangal is at the zenith of its power at midnight. In the greater context of life cycles, the afternoon of a man’s life is his early twenties when he starts becoming responsible, earning prestige and is generally endowed with wealth, material pleasures and family security. So that is when Mars is strongest in his life.

Relationships: Relationships with friends are governed by Mars but these we will discuss later.

Casts and Creed: Ordinarily Mars is a warrior. Jayadeva, however, describes its caste as goldsmith, a trader class. Even in the book on Saturn, Mars is described as being a goldsmith by caste. This is a fact because goldsmiths when forging gold have to use fire to purify it.

Birth marks: These are of two kinds. The first is moles, scars and birthmarks of a physical nature. The second is a person’s reputation being scarred by his behaviour towards other people.

Face: It is said that Mars faces the southern direction but I cannot find any explanation why.

Grain: Mars rules over split red lentils called Masur Dal. To appease Mars in a malefic state large quantities of this lentil should be donated to charity.

William Lily: It is called a planet of the night because its work manifests at night. It is a fire ruled planet and that is why people call it dry or dehydrated.


Shanker Adawal

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