Mars and Mercury: Mars, Chapter II, Part – 21


Dr. Shanker Adawal

Categorisation of significators

Those in the birth chart: Major operations, gall stones, glandular problems, appendicitis, cancer, pleurisy, urinary infection, tonsillitis, blood poisoning, industry, courage, enmity, quarrels, theft, dacoity, accidents, glory in battle, work, anger, lust, arrogance, fever, fast speech, harassment, insults, death flesh bones, red marks or scars on the body, measles, small pox, chicken pox, bleeding, cuts, burns, younger siblings, feats requiring unusual intelligence, happiness and grief, paternal uncle’s children, a step mother or step father’s house, mind, burning sensation, purity, a step mother or step father’s house, mind, burning sensation, purity, metal, land, disease, enemies, caste, sons, habits, enemies of the state, charisma, supervision, notions, glory, sobriety, increase in foes, King’s grace and benefits accruing from it. Independence, cruelty, greatness, enthusiasm, relationships with other men’s wives, lying, social welfare, sin, foolishness, foreign travel, debate, non vegetarianism, evil nature, good food, fickle nature, incarceration of a short duration, dehydration, destructive nature.

Professional significators: PWD, police inspector, overseer, rangers, pilot, agricultural scientist, engineer, mechanic, cigarette factories, factory workers, pan sellers, liquor sellers, sales tax inspectors, wrestlers, dealers of cars or their spare parts, cycle sellers and repair mechanics, engineers, turners, fitters, lathe workers and factory employers, those who make brass vessels, ironsmiths, bangle sellers, dentists, biscuit manufacturers, scissors manufacturers, butchers, bailiffs, executioners, watch makers, tailors, barbers, sweepers, those who sell oil, those who make carbon for commercial use, doctors, surgeons, metallurgists, and all others that arre mentioned in the section titled My Observations in this chapter.

Median Astrology: Battle, fire-fighting, general ship, canon makers, battlefields, army cantonments, armouries, weapon storage rooms, ordnance factories, battle loving counties, warring nations, the condition of the army, England, Greece, France, Italy, Germany, Japan, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kutch, Saurashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan.

Significators for education: Geology, history, defence law, police training, overseer training, forestry and survey divisions, Bayler Act, engineering, atmospheric meteorology, surgery, regimental class, motor driving, railway driving, tailoring, dyeing, technology and mill apprenticeship.


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