Mars and Mercury: Mars, Chapter II, Part – 20


Dr. Shanker Adawal

Sin: The astrologer from Bangalore Subramania Shastri thinks that it is sin but I believe the references in Sanskrit to the word kalush suggests the same as humiliating and insulting others.

Wounds: The person has injuries, boils and eruptions.

Foreign Travel: It is worth examining whether this is true or not.

Excellence in debates: It is a special characteristic that people ruled by Mars will be victorious in debates whether these are held in halls or in elsewhere.

Carnivorous: Since Mars is the ruler of the flesh, the marrow, the tendons and the blood, this characteristic is attributed to it. But then there is no dearth of Jains, Lingayats and even Brahmins who eat meat, hence it would be better to say that Mars ruled people eat a lot of chillies. However, if Mars is in the House of Wealth or in the Sixth House in a fire sign, then one could say the person eats a lot of meat and drinks heavily.

Good Eating: People influenced by Mars eat well and like to do so. They are unwilling to eat when there is no variety in the food on offer.

Fickle: Mars is a fickle planet. It is retrograde and direct in quick succession and hence astrologers say that people ruled by Mars are fickle. This trait is most apparent when Mars is in the ascendant, Seventh or Tenth House.

Ability to control serpents; Since the monogoose, which vanquishes snakes is ruled by Mars, hence this trait.

Carriage: Mars ruled people usually travel by riding on a horse.

Shape of face or body: Kalidas says the person has a square face while Punjaraj says the person’s physique is triangular in appearance, yet elsewhere he says that it is angular. Neither of them appears to be right. The first category that is policemen etc. have tall, muscular bodies while the second category like goldsmiths and factory workers have round faces and are short in height.

There is no need to go into what the western astrologers have said as they are right.


Shanker Adawal

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