Dr. Shanker Adawal
Kalidas: Shourya bhoorbalashastradhaaranajanaadheeshatvaveeryakshayaahaa. Shchoro yudhhavirodhashatrava udaaraa raktavastupriyaha. Aaraamaadhipatitvatooryaravanananpreetichatushpaannripaahaa. Moorkhaha kopavidesha-yaana ghritayo dhaatrraagnivaagvaadataahaa. 1. Pitroshnavranaraajasevanadinavyomekshanahrasvahagg. Vikhyaatitrapukhandakuntasachivashchaangafoota twam manihi. Subrahanyajape yuva katuu nripasthaane kujosavagrahao maasaanshi paradooshanam ripubalam nishaante balam. 2. Hemagreeshmaparaakrama ripubalam gaanbheeryashourye pumaan. Sheelabrahaparashcha dhovanaparo graamaadhinaathatvataa. Raajaloka namootrakrichha toorastraswarnakaaraahaa khalou. Mugdasthaanasubhoojane krishadhanurvidhyaampraveenatvate. 3. Raktam taamravichitravastrayamadigvako cha tachikpriyaha. Kaamakrodhaparaaapavaadagrhasainyeshaaha shatadhnikunjaha.Saamabhraatrikutharidushta mriganetratvaswatantra grahahaa. Kshetram danda patitvanaagabhuvane vaakchittachaanchalyataa vaahaarohana raktadarshanamasriksanshoshanaanyenvam. Nyechaane kasusangyakaa budhbairabhaumasyatuktaa alam.
Kalidas has clubbed several thoughts into one statement and this also covers Mars’ relationship with the zodiac signs and other planets. And in contrast he has given only example of the planet’s effects as a significator. This ordinarily does not reflect well on any good other astrologer as it is an unprofessional approach to the study of a planet. Strangely, despite this Kalidas is quite famous in places like Mysore, Malabar and Madras (now Chennai).
According to him Mars controls: 1. Defeat, 2. Land, 3. Power, 4. Acquisition of arms, 5. Power over other people, emergence of bravery, thieves, battle, conflict, enemies, generosity, fondness of red garments, ownership of orchards, playing musical instruments, love, four-legged animals, kings, fools, anger, foreign travel, courage, gooseberry trees, firer, debate, pitha constitution, heat, wounds, government jobs, daytime, short height and a physique that is strong only on the upper half, disease, glory, swords, ministers, clear speech, bells, gems, Kartikeya who is the general of the deities, youthfulness, bitter tastes, royal palaces, insults, non vegetarianism, humiliating others, victory over enemies, chilly taste, strength at its peak at the end of the night, gold, summer, defeat, the strength of a foe, gravity, victory, masculinity, decent behavior, Lord Brahma, axes, forest nomads, headman of the village, audiences with the king, urinary infections, square face or physique, goldsmiths, wickedness, burnt ruins, a fondness for good eating, dehydrated body, slim body, excellence in wielding a bow and arrow, debauchery, anger, saying bad things about other people, home, the Shataghni which was an ancient weapon not in use now, Samaveda, brothers, jungle dwelling animals, supervision, independence, agriculture, general ship, cobra’s nests, unstable temperament and speech, horse riding and blood clotting.
Shanker Adawal