Dr. Shanker Adawal
Mars as a Significator
Kalyanavarma: Raktotpalataamrasuvarnarudhirapaaradamanaha shilaadhyaanam kshitinripatanamoochhaarpaitikachauraprabhabhaumaha. Red lotus, brass, gold, blood, earth, king, falling down, moustaches, pitha constitutions and thieves are manifestations of Mars.
Baidhyanath: Satvam rogaggunaanujaavaniripugyaatindharaa sununaahaaa. Courage impudence, illness, virtues, younger siblings, enemies, caste and land are the domain of Mars.
Gunakar: Sahotthha. Younger brother.
Parashar: Satva – sajha – bhoomi – putra – sheela – chaurya – roga – brahmahabhraatri – parakrama – agni – saahasa – raajashatrukaaraahaa kujaha. Courage, home, land, sons, nature, theft, Brahmins, brothers, defeat, fire, bravery, and enemies of the state are governed by Mars.
Sarvarthachintamani: Parkrama – vijaya – vikhyaati – sangraama – saahasa – sainaapatya – danda netritva – khadda – parashchadha – kunta – kutthhaara – shataghni – bhindipaala – dhanurbaana – naipunya – ghriti – kaanti – gaambheerya – kaama – krodha – shatruvriddhi – aagrahaavaagraha – paraapavaada – swatantra – dhaatu – bhookaarakaha – kujaha.
Defeat and victory, glory, battle, courage, general ship, axes, swords and other weapons of war as well as the ability to use them to advantage, debauchery, anger, weakness in foes, pleading, decisions, humiliating others, independence, gooseberry trees and land are in the domain of Mars.
Mantreshwar: Satvam bhoophalitam sahodaragunam krourya ranam saahasam vidhwesham cha mahaanasaaggikanakagyaatyastrachoraan ripunu. Utsaahahm parakaaminiratimasatyoktim mahijaadhwade. Dweerya chitasamuntratam cha kalusham sainaadhipatyam kshatam. Defeat, land, brothers, cruelty, battle, bravery, anger, kitchen, fire, gold, caste, weapons, thieves, enemies, enthusiasm, lecherous behavior to other men’s wives, lying, courage, sin, development of society, general ship, wounds, are all subjects of Mars. He has described diseases in relation to Mars at great length. Extreme thirst, bleeding diseases, pitha constitution, fire, fear of being poisoned, leprosy, eye infections, appendicitis, brain fever, itching, low sperm count, low energy, low libido. In addition the person may incur the King’s anger, harassment by thieves and enemies, quarrels with friends, relatives and siblings. The person could also be possessed by evil demons. If Mars is malefic any of these could come in conjunction with paralysis of the upper body.
Vidhyaranya: Bhraatrisatvagunaanu bhoomi bhaumena tu vichintayet. Brother, courage and land are governed by Mars.
Shanker Adawal