Dr. Shanker Adawal
These are the major periods for which the planets hold sway and they follow a fixed order.
In order to find the Dasa at the time of a person’s birth, we first of all have to find out the “Nakshatra” at the time of birth. “Nakshatra” are actually zodiacal divisions in angular distance of 13o 20” each, and they are a convenient order of calculating the longitudes of planets. Each Nakshatra is named after a lord, and a fixed point Mesha coincides with “Krittka” Nakshatra. The Nakshatras follows the order Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu and Venus respectively as their lords, immediately following Krittika.
The angular distance of each Nakshatra being 13o 20”, the full life cycle of 120 years is covered by the nine periods – giving us 13o 20” x 9 = 120o or one-third of the passage of moon over the full Zodiac. Therefore, by the time the moon has covered 120 degrees the life cycle of 120 years can be assumed to have come to an end. On this basis, the progressing of the moon by one degree, has been equated to one year of life.
The Nakshatra of birth known as “Janma Nakshatra” – the constellation in which the moon is situated at birth – can be easily ascertained from the table of Nakshatra divisions.
In order to calculate the Dasa as well as the balance Dasa period, at the time of a person’s birth, all we have to do is to refer to the Raphael’s Ephemeris and calculate the longitude of moon, from the time of birth, subtract from it the Ayanamsa of the year of birth, and having secured the exact position of the moon according to the Indian system, by referring to the table of Nakshatra divisions, we ascertain the exact Nakshatra at birth. And from the same table we know the opening Dasa. Now the only thing remaining for us to find is the balance of the Dasa period outstanding at the time of birth. There is a very simple method of finding this out.
We already know that the measure of a Nakshatra is 13o 20”. This being the case the total number of years of the opening Dasa is equated to 13o 20”. Therefore, it goes without saying that the portion of the years that are proportionate to the degrees yet to the covered by the moon, in order to complete the balance degrees in the Nakshatra, will be the outstanding years of the opening Dasa. Once we have found the opening Dasa, and balance period left in the opening Dasa, the other Dasas will follow a fixed order.
As an example we assume that moon has traveled 7o 44” in Revati Nakshatra. In order to find out how much of Mercury Dasa is outstanding at the time of birth, we follow the simple steps as given below:-
The total measure of Nakshatra = 13o 20’ subtracting 7o 44” from 13o 20’. We get:-
13o 20’ – 6o 40’ = 6o 40’
13o 20’ = 17 years.
6o 40’ = 6o 40’ x 17 years/13o 20’
= 8 years and 6 months.
The balance period of Mercury Dasa at birth is 8 years and 6 months.
After the Mercury Dasa Ketu follows for 7 years. Ketu is then followed by Venus for 20 years, Sun, for 6 years. Moon for 10 years, Mars for 7 years, Rahu 18 years, Jupiter 16 years and Saturn 19 years.
Shanker Adawal
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