Planet: Ketu
Friends: Mercury, Venus, Saturn
Enemies: Sun, Moon, Mars
Neutral: Jupiter, Rahu
Besides the natural planetary relationship, we should consider the temporary planetary relationship that is determined by the unique layout of a particular chart. The rule for determining the temporary relationships is that any planet that is placed in the same house, or in a house more than 3 away, becomes an enemy. Thwe following table provides temporary relationships for chart.
1.1 Temporary Relationship
Planet: Sun
Friends: Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Ketu
Enemies: Saturn, Rahu
Planet: Moon
Friends: Sun, Mars, Mercury, Saturn, ketu
Enemies: Jupiter, Venus, Rahu
Planet: Mars
Friends: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Ketu
Enemies: Rahu
Planet: Mercury
Friends: Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn
Enemies: Rahu, Ketu
Planet: Jupiter
Friends: Sun, Mars, Mercury, Saturn, Ketu
Enemies: Moon, Venus, Rahu
Planet: Venus
Friends: Sun, Mars, Mercury, Saturn, Ketu
Enemies: Moon, Jupiter, Rahu
Planet: Saturn
Friends: Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter. Venus, Ketu
Enemies: Sun, Rahu
Planet: Rahu
Enemies: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Ketu
Planet: Ketu
Friends: Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn
Enemies: Mercury, Rahu
The combination of the natural and the temporary relationship is called the “Panchadha” or compound relationship. This table is simply an addition of the previous.
1.2 Compound Relationships
Rule: Natural Friend + Tempy. Friend= Great Friend
Natural Friend+ Tempy. Enemy= Neutral
Natural Neutral+ Tempy. Friend= Friend
Natural Neutral + Tempy. Enemy= Enemy
Natural Enemy+ Tempy. Friend= Neutral
Natural Enemy+ Tempy. Enemy= Great Enemy
Planet: Sun
Great Friend: Moon, Mars, Jupiter
Friends: Mercury
Neutral: Venus, Ketu
Enemy: —
Great Enemy: Saturn, Rahu
Planet: Moon
Great Friend: Sun, Mercury
Friends: Mars
Neutral: Ketu, Saturn
Enemy: Jupiter, Venus
Great Enemy: Rahu
Planet: Mars
Great Friend: Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Ketu
Friends: Venus, Saturn
Neutral: Mercury
Enemy: —
Great Enemy: Rahu
Planet: Mercury
Great Friend: Sun, Venus
Friends: Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
Neutral: Moon, Rahu
Enemy: Ketu
Great Enemy: —
Planet: Jupiter
Great Friend: Sun, Mars
Friends: Saturn, Ketu
Neutral: Moon, Mercury
Enemy: Rahu
Great Enemy: Venus
Planet: Venus
Great Friend: Mercury, Saturn, Ketu
Friends: Mars
Neutral: Sun, Rahu
Enemy: Jupiter
Great Enemy: Moon
Planet: Saturn
Great Friend: Mercury, Venus,
Friends: Jupiter
Neutral: Moon, Mars, Rahu, Ketu
Enemy: —
Great Enemy: Sun
Planet: Rahu
Great Friend: —
Friends: —
Neutral: Mercury, Venus, Saturn
Enemy: Jupiter, Ketu
Great Enemy: Sun, Moon, Mars
Planet: Ketu
Great Friend: Venus, Saturn
Friends: Jupiter
Neutral: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury
Enemy: Rahu
Great Enemy: —
2. Planetary Aspects
When placed in certain rashis (signs), Planets (planets) naturally influence other rashis, Planets abd bhavas by expecting them. The Sanskrit word for Aspect is ‘drishti’ which means “glance”. There are few ways in which planets aspect (“glance at”) each other, rashis and bhavas.
Each Planets always aspects the 7th constellation from the one it occupies (once again, remember to count inclusively of the sign that the planet is places in), this type of aspect is called Full Aspect. Naturally, along with aspect the sign, the Planet is going to be aspect the bhava that the sign occupies and the Planets placed in that bhava.
Now you know that each Planet has a full aspect on the rashi and any Planet that are located seven constellations away from its own placement.
Besides the seventh (full) house aspect, a few planets have ‘special’ aspects. Mars always fully aspects the 4th the 7th and the 8th constellations counted inclusively from the constellation in which it is placed.
Jupiter always aspects the 5th the 7th and the 9th constellations from the one that it occupies.
Saturn aspects the 3rd, the 7th and the 10th constellations from its position.
Rahu and Ketu also have special aspect the 5th, the 7th and the 9th constellation from their placements.
All the special aspects have the same potency as the full aspect. Most aspects are one- directional, which means that an aspecting planet, does not receive a reciprocal aspect from the planet that in aspects. This type of aspect is called one sided.
When two planets are aspecting each other it is called a mutual aspect. A mutual aspect establishes a powerful connection between the Planets.
The intensity of aspects depends on the angular distance between the two Planets.The Planets aspect each of the house cusps to a greater or lesser degree. The exact amount of aspect is shown in the folloeing table (60 is the highest):
Aspects From Planets to House Cusps
H. No. 1st
Sun 34
Moon 53
Mars 1
Mercury 39
Jupiter 13
Venus 2
Saturn 56
Rahu —
Ketu 59
H. No. 2nd
Sun 35
Moon 46
Mars 57
Mercury 19
Jupiter 56
Venus 20
Saturn 41
Rahu —
Ketu 31
H. No. 3rd
Sun 10
Moon 31
Mars 60
Mercury 21
Jupiter 48
Venus 42
Saturn 22
Rahu —
Ketu 56
H. No. 4th
Sun 39
Moon 16
Mars 31
Mercury 54
Jupiter 53
Venus 24
Saturn 15
Rahu —
Ketu 45
H. No.5th
Sun 50
Moon 1
Mars 15
Mercury 3
Jupiter 11
Venus 10
Saturn 56
Rahu 14
Ketu 59
H. No.6th
Sun 35
Moon —
Mars —
Mercury 24
Jupiter —
Venus 57
Saturn 41
Rahu 43
Ketu 31
H. No.7th
Sun 20
Moon —
Mars —
Mercury 9
Jupiter —
Venus 42
Saturn 37
Rahu 59
Ketu —
H. No.8th
Sun 5
Moon —
Mars —
Mercury —
Jupiter —
Venus 27
Saturn 44
Rahu 31
Ketu —
H. No. 9th
Sun —
Moon 13
Mars —
Mercury —
Jupiter 3
Venus 12
Saturn —
Rahu 56
Ketu —
H. No. 10th
Sun —
Moon 41
Mars 14
Mercury —
Jupiter 21
Venus —
Saturn —
Rahu 45
Ketu —
H. No.11th
Sun —
Moon 31
Mars 57
Mercury 5
Jupiter 48
Venus —
Saturn —
Rahu 59
Ketu 14
H. No. 12th
Sun 9
Moon 3
Mars 31
Mercury 25
Jupiter 53
Venus —
Saturn 15
Rahu 31
Ketu 43
Another known system of aspects is Jaimini Aspects or sign aspects. According to Jaimini system, all the movable signs, like Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn aspect the fixed signs, such as Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, except for the signs adjacent to them. At the same time the Planets (planet) placed in thiose signs aspect each other. In the same manner all the dual signs, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces aspect each other and the Planets that they contain (except themselves).
Shanker Adawal,,
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