Today’s Astral Energy

My 30th anniversary today . Got
married to Renu in 1985 . The journey had its moments of joy, hurt, anger,
betrayal, creation, connect, disagreements, pleasure, recreation together &
with others, family & adding people to make it grow,helping but above all
during this journey we have become companions knowing our negatives /
weaknesses / eccentricities – the best part is we ( I ) want now to travel
together till the end of one.
It could be getting used to /
compromise / compulsion/ fear of society as some would rationalise but it is
something beyond that I have no words today / this moment.

The next moment / the next
situation / the next reaction in not known so I write my feeling of today which
is going beyond the reason of marriage 30 years back. Thank You RENU for being
besides ME – this impulsive, rash & unpredictable human being. Let us be
besides each other – what may come – nothing is permanent and life is all about
loving imperfections. Shanker Adawal

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