Prospects for Deve Gowda

Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)

Published in Starteller, April 2006

Mercury is in the 3rd house from Moon, in the house of Mars with Venus and Sun ahead of it. Sun is hemmed in-between Mercury and Venus. This shows that he had not been adequately supported by the people in power, during various times of his life, more so in future. Till the end of 2006, the native will be able to maintain some position in the party or elsewhere, but he should be careful with respect to his health and family matters.

H.D. Deve Gowda had been the Prime Minister of India between 1996 and 1997. A large number of diverse political outfits combined to make him the PM. He did not have adequate strength in Parliament; the prime objective at that time was to keep BJP out.

He shares his Cancer ascendant with Bill Clinton, Saddam Hussain, Jawahar Lal Nehru, Indira Gandhi and V.P. Singh. This is the most conducive ascendant for politicians, as these natives have a hard exterior, but are sympathetic, Caring and friendly. They possess a lot of self-confidence and display the initiative and power to outshine others. They have reliable friends as well as dangerous enemies.

Shri. Deve Gowda has completed 72 years on 18 May 2005. Let us analyse his future prospects, as per the Bhrigu Nadi techniques.

Methodology in Bhrigu Nadi System

In Bhrigu Nadi system, the methodology to be followed in analyzing the events are (i) there is no concept of ascendant; (ii) the horoscope should be drawn with Aries as No. 1 i.e. the first Sign;
(iii) Importance is given to the rotation of Jupiter; (iv) Jupiter stays in each Sign for a period of approximately 12 years.

Example: Jupiter in a native’s horoscope is in Aries. Therefore, for all practical purposes, we consider Jupiter to be in Aries for a period of 12 years and its conjunction/opposition etc. with other planets will determine the broad events in the first 12 years for the native. We only take the 7th aspect into consideration and no other aspect, which is again a deviation to be remembered. Great importance is given to (a) the Sign in which the planet is posited; (b) the conjunction of the planets (c) the planet which leads in the conjunction in terms of its degrees; (d) planets which are in the 12th house of a particular planet; (e) planets which are in the next house of the Sign in which a particular planet is placed; and (f) planets which are opposite to the concerned planet. The planet will imbibe the quality of the planets, of which it is a Dispositor. If Saturn is a dispositor of Jupiter and Mercury, it will change its character accordingly and give ascribed results.

Therefore, for each 12 years, the ascendant would be the Sign where Jupiter is placed governing the events of those 12 years, and then for the next 12 years it will be rotated in the next house, which will govern the events for the next 12 years and conforms to the indications of the prime placement.

What is in store for Deve Gowda?

Jupiter, if rotated as per the Bhrigu Nadi System, was in Capricorn till the age of 72. Saturn, the Dispositor of Jupiter, is in its own house, natally. It shows, on an average, a strong position till he completed 72 years. Currently, Jupiter, in its 7th round (ages 72 to 84) is in Aquarius. The Dispositor Saturn now occupies the 12th from the rotating Jupiter, denoting destruction. Because it is posited in its own house, it will maintain its magnetism.

In the natal chart, since Rahu is behind Moon in terms of degrees, he had been able to analyse the situations with serene mind. Mercury is in the 3rd house from Moon, in the house of Mars with Venus and Sun ahead of it. Sun is hemmed in-between Mercury and Venus, (Venus posited at 11 degrees is ahead of Sun at 4 degrees). This shows that he had not been adequately supported by the people in power, during various times of his life, more so in future.

The 5th house from the 72nd year onwards (rotating Jupiter in Aquarius taken as the ascendant) is denoted by Gemini, whose lord is Mercury, occupying the house of Mars natally. The Dispositor Mars is posited with powerful planets like Jupiter and Ketu in Leo natally; so it shows success for the son to attain power. Mars and Jupiter along with Ketu getting aspected by Moon and Rahu show mental tensions, travels and problems in the family. In the natal Rasi chart also, the 5th house is governed by Mars.

Taking the present transits into consideration as per the Bhrigu Nadi System, it is seen that till the end of 2006 the native will be able to maintain some position in the party or elsewhere, but he should be careful with respect to his health and family matters. Issues regarding wealth or integrity need special attention from February 2007 onwards, more so from June 2007.

Shanker Adawal


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