Planetary Position for the month of October, 2007

Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)

Lagna Lord Venus gets to 4th House and is in the company of Saturn The Sun is in 5th House and is aspected by Mars- The Sun would shift to VIth House on 18th October, 2007, Mercury in 6th House become Retrograde on 12.10.2007. Jupiter is in 7th House, Rahu in 9th House and Ketu in 3rd House.
predictions for the month of October, 2007

1. First fortnight of the month shall prove beneficial for the Government to have its policies implemented. Democratic policies shall by pursued by the Government but municipal policies may not remain free from dirty politics. Special attention shall be paid to sanitation of the cities. Even opposition parties shall extend co-operation in this regard.

2. Difficulties in transportation of agriculture products, mining products and of industry in general may become a sore point. However, political discussions and meetings maybe organised to promote the principles of democracy.

3. Discontentment among the workers specially in agriculture, mining etc. are also indicated. In some places growth of crops may be adversely effected.

4. Conflicts between the Ruling party (parties-present day Coalitions) and opposition parties may come to surface though efforts shall be mad to pursue democratic policies. Ultimately, the Opposition parties may decide to co-operate with Government.

5. The Government may accept the demands for bringing beneficial changes in the matter of educational institutions. Establishment of new universities is indicated.

6. With the above background and also above mentioned difficulties, still the people in general shall be inclined to national pleasures, enjoyment, amusement etc. and new centres of amusements/entertainments may be established specially by the corporate sector.

7. Beneficial policies and legislation indicated for the upliftment of women in general.

8. All round improvement is indicated for bankers, capitalistic forces in finance, commerce and insurance. Some cases of frauds on the treasury/ banks and financial institutions may create embarrassment.

The anti-social parties may raise their heads and indulge in violent crimes. Some cases of bomb-explosions including on transports-rail/road/air may also cause mental tension. Apart from explosions, revolutions, cases of treacherous crimes and poisonings etc. are indicated.

10. Crimes relating to rapes, abduction, kidnapping specially of children indicated few may resort to drama of ‘self-abduction’ to avoid payment of debts etc.

11. Cases of cheating by the intellectuals and by the persons holding high status may also be noticed. The involvement of women may come to light.

12. Common people may suffer due to drug taking etc. Some misunderstanding with foreign ambassadors indicated and the political leaders may get worried.

13. Democratic forces shall continue to hold their head high and the Indian Democracy shall receive praise and the recognition from various parts of the world.

14. Jupiter (7th house) and Venus (4th House) may prove beneficial for the country and some legal disputes may be settled including fresh litigation about the constitutional problems.

15. Be that as it may, smooth political discussions among political parties though some Members of Parliament are bound to throw mud on each other leading to unpleasant exchanges. These may include embittered discussions, personal recrimination, arguments and disputes and criticism, for the sake of criticism, without taking into account the over-all interest of the country.

16. Mass murders, mass tragedies, deaths and destructions are also indicated. Disastrous time for the Government specially after 10th October 2007. Some cases of revolts from some corners including from Government servants are indicated.

Shanker Adawal


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