Mars & Mercury: Upayas – Malefic Mars, Chapter XVIII, Part – 3


Dr. Shanker Adawal

Mantras can be enhanced 108 times as follows:-

Dharanigarva sambhutam Bidyutpunja samapravabam

Kumarang sakti hastancha lohitangam namamiaham.”

In lieu of this, root of Ananta tree can be used on Tuesday with red colour threat for the satisfaction of mars.

To avoid all sorts of evil effects, mars is protected by using coral. It is available from sea. It saves persons from any type of litigation. I have seen there are certain veteran astrologers who describe to the young girls to use coral (red) for early settlement of marriage. Generally, as per astrology, if mars is afflicted in Rashi chart, marriage is delayed to take place. That is from injury, accident or any sufferings coral may be used in proportionate quantity.

To avoid all sorts of evil effects, mars is protected by using coral. It is available from sea. It saves persons from any type of litigation. I have seen there are certain veteran astrologers who prescribe to the young girls to use coral (red) for early settlement of marriage. Generally as per astrology, if mars is afflicted in the Rashi chart marriage is delayed to take place. That is from injury, accident or any sufferings, Coral may be used in proportionate quantity.

EMERALD: Panna : Markat –

In Jyotisha mercury is to be the illegitimate child of moon. It is an emotional and satvik planet. It is the smallest planet in the solar system and always remains with 90o degree angle of Sun. Emerald is a costliest stone. Till now, it is seen in Asia, Egypt and Greece. At present, it is used in USA, Arabian countries, Spain and China. The original emerald colour will be like leaf of lotus which is more scientific. T is available in Rhodesia, Egypt, Russia, India, Africa, USA and in Pakistan.

Whenever a person suffers from stammering, wicked, thief, insanity, mysterious, foolishness, cheating etc. and had trouble of heart ailment, throat trouble, Hypertension, headache etc.

Real emerald will have glittering atmosphere like stars, heavy weight and attractive, deep green colour, fragrance, fine. Mind and heart will be peaceful while touching the real gemstone, Panna or Emerald. Light sparks and illuminates from the Emerald. Light reciprocates inside the Emerald whose reflection capacity is maximum. Usually Emeerald should be used with brass on Wednesday morning after having bath.

It can be used while Mercury will be located in Pisces whenever with association of moon, with Rahu/Ketu, in 12th house and in eighth house from Lagna or Ascendant. Mercury is the planet for intelligence (dhisakti). Persons having fickleness in mind and can not decide anything in practice may be advised to use Emerald for the propitiation of the planet mercury.

Those who affording capacity is limited can use Bridhadarak mul (root of Bridhadarak tree) with green colour thread on Wednesday.


Shanker Adawal

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