Dr. Shanker Adawal
While predicting the possibility of children it is important to see what exactly is the position in the spouse’s horoscope also. For example if a man has had a vasectomy, it does not matter that his wife’s horoscope holds the potential for many, healthy children. See the horoscopes of this couple:
Husband – born on 21-9-1911 on latitude 15-50 and longitude 74-40.
Wife – born on 21-9-1914 on latitude 16-48 and longitude 75-40.
They were both very good looking. The wife had big eyes which were shiny like Venus and she had lustrous black hair. He was tall and fair and very attractive. She lost her looks because of having too many miscarriages. For fear of her losing her looks, the husband had a vasectomy. Thus it is important to see both horoscopes together.
In ancient times, the manner in which young unmarried girls worked and saved money is also similar. That is the childbearing potential in the fifth and Seventh Houses have to be ignored given the positioning of Mars. However, the Seventh House can be an indicator of whether she will be able to get sexual satisfaction from men. In such situations it is also good to check who is ruling the House of Wealth and who is occupying that house.
Thoughts on Marriage in connection to Mars
In India the placement of Mars in a horoscope is considered when matching horoscopes for a wedding. Ordinarily people with Mars in the horoscope are considered suitable matches only for others with Mars in the horoscope. Alternately the location and positioning of Saturn and Jupiter are considered. It is said that if Mars is in the ascendant, Fourth House, Seventh House, Eighth House or House of Expenditure, the spouse will die. There is a contradiction too. If the ascendant is ruled by Aries, the Fourth House by Scorpio, the Seventh by Capricorn, the Eighth by Cancer or the House of Expenditure by Sagittarius then the person’s possibility of a second marriage is cancelled.
While seeing a girl’s horoscope one must keep in mind the location of the Sun and Mars are important as the Sun indicates the strength, age, education, direction and love of the husband. Mars indicates the husband’s age, enthusiasm, courage, status, professional progress etc. If the Sun is in a malefic conjunction with Saturn the husband is old, infirm, diseased, cruel, unkind, according to Western astrologers. My experience is varied. In such situations the marriage takes place and that too after many attempts. The father is poverty stricken at the time of marriage or the marriage occurs after his death. The husband is young and loving. The girl’s father prospers after the marriage. If Mars is influenced by a malefic Saturn, there is a possibility of second marriage, widowhood, destitution, childlessness, etc. If she does not have children she will have a lot of wealth and if she has children the family will be bankrupt. Her husband could be caught taking a bribe and be sent to jail. Or he may lose his job. The husband or the wife one may commit suicide in frustration over all the problems they face. If Saturn is auspicious in the place of birth the woman will get a husband who is intelligent, able, enthusiastic but who gets no wealth. He is unstable till the age of 50 and there is every chance that he will marry a second woman while the first wife is alive. But subsequently the couple’s luck changes. If Mars is not in the first five houses from the ascendant it is not considered detrimental to marriage. But it can harm the couple if it is impacted by a malefic Saturn.
Example one
Wife born in 1833 on the fifth day of the Indian calendar and husband in 1824.
He gave up a wife well respected in society to marry one who commanded no respect. This is because Saturn was in the house behind Mars in her horoscope and Saturn is also present in his horoscope. That protected him from death.