While the influences of the planetary periods and sub-periods are of major importance in arriving at an accurate analysis of the horoscope, “Transits” are also important to predict the future events. “Transit” is Astrology means the passing of a planet through a particular part of the Zodiac – in other words through particular sign. The birth chart, or the horoscope is fixed one, giving us the location of the planets as they were at the time of birth. However, the planets are not stationary, and they are always going round in their orbits. Therefore, when we consider effect of transits, we actually take into account, where in their respective passages, the various planets are in the heavens, at a particular part of the native’s life for which transits are being considered.
The method of transit in the Indian System of Astrology is known as “Gochara”.
The house of the moon at birth is taken as the first house, and the transits of the various planets is calculated from that starting point. In Indian Astrology the moon sign is commonly referred to as “Janma Rashi”, while in the Western System, it is known as the “Radical Moon”. And the positions of the various planets at the time of transit are known as the “transition Sun”, “Transiting Moon”, “Transiting Mercury” and so on, in the Indian system of Astrology as well as the Western system of Astrology.
Suppose a person has the moon in Gemini in the horoscope at the time of birth, and on the day he consults the Astrologer the Moon is in Sagittarius, then we say that the transiting moon is the seventh from the Janma Rashi.
When a particular planet transits some places from the Janma Rashi, and if another planet is transiting a sensitive area, the effects of the former’s transit are obstructed. These sensitive areas – obstructing places – are known as “Vedha” in Sanskrit.
Now we go into the study of Mars and Mercury where these basics are to be understood to have an understanding.
Shanker Adawal
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