XIII Timing – Ashtak Varga Dasha Systems:
1 Duration: The Dasha period is equal to the Ashtakvarga longevity for the planet (calculated by various methods)
2 Sequence:
a) First Dasha is of the planet strongest in Lagna, Moon or Sun.
b) Next dashas are of the planets in Kendra to the first in order of their strength.
c) Next dashas are of planets in panaphara houses (2,5,8,11) from the first.
d) Next dasha are of planets in apoklima houses (3,6,9,12) from the first.
e) Strengths are as per Shada Basla.
3 Antar Dasha (AD): AD sequence and period of above is as per following rule:
a) Half of the main planet’s period is contributed by the planet, which may be in conjunction with it.
b) Next in sequence is the AD’s of planets in 9th and 5th from DL in proportion to 1/3rd of its period.
c) Next is the AD of planet in 7th from DL in proportion to 1/7th of its period.
d) Next is the AD of planets in 8th and 6th houses from DL in the proportion of 1/4th of DL’s period.
4 If there are more than one planet in a house, the AD of the strongest only is considered.
5 Results of this dasha system are found to be unreliable. Therefore, Vimshottari Ashtakvarga style as explained above is used.
Shanker Adawal
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