XII Timing – Vimshottari Ashtakvarga Style:
1 Mahadasha (DL) is always as per Vimshottari system.
2 ADL may be one of the following three:
a) Vimshottari AD
b) Division of Vimshottari Dasha Lord’s period in 8 equal parts as Sub-Periods in the order of Kakshya Lords of orbits of planets.
c) Division of Vimshottari Dasha Lord’s period in 12 equal parts as Sub-Periods in the order of sign of the 12 houses.
d) The last two methods are explained below.
3 This system has been developed as the Ashtakvarga Dasha system, as explained below, is found to be unreliable.
4 Method I: Division of Vimshottari Dasha Lord’s period in 8 equal parts as Sub-Periods in the order of Kakshya Lords of orbits of planets:
a) The first and subsequent sub-period ruled, in order, by Lag.
b) Period of each AD is 1/8th of the Vimshottari Lord’s period.
c) Interpretation by correlating Vimshottari DL and AV’s ADL’ PAC and SAV/BAV and Kakshya Lord’s contributions in each other’s BAV.
5 Method II: Division of Vimshottari Dasha Lord’s period in 12 equal parts as Sub-Periods in the order of 12H:
a) The first and subsequent sub-periods ruled, in order, by house/sign where the DL is placed and than from then onward next house as 2nd AD etc.
b) Period of each AD is 1/12th of the Vimshottari Lord’s period.
c) Interpretation by correlating Vimshottari DL and AV’s ADL’ PAC and SAV/BAV and Kakshya Lord’s contributions in each other’s BAV.
d) Sub-sub Period (PD): This is done in respect of Kakshya Lords by dividing above 1/12th sub-period in 8 KL divisions in the pattern of Method I and interpret as above.
Shanker Adawal
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