I Benefic Points, Bindus & Rekha:
1. A planet throws an influence on each sign. If it is benefic it is called Bindu (dot), if malefic, it is Rekha (line). In N. India convention is opposite-benefic is Rekha & malefic influence is Bindu.
2 A planet’s Ashtakvarga means the collective influence of the positive influences thrown by the planete with reference to his own position in a sign and the other six planets & Ascendant.
II Steps in AV calculations:
1. Prastarakvarga is spread out of Ashtakvarga – of benefic points of each planet is constructed showing planet wise and Asc.’s benefic points in natal position of signs/planets in a table form.
2. Bhinnastakvarga (BAV) is prepared by adding up sign wise benefic points given by all seven planets and Asc. In the Prastarakvarga table.
3 Sarvashtakvarga in prepared by adding BAV of all the seven planets in table form. Sarvashtak is the total of benefic points of all planet sign wise.
III Calculating Sarvashtakvarga without Bhinnashtak:
1. The total of benefic points by a planet from itself is shown below. This is worked out from above table.
2. The above planet wise total is different from Bhinnashtakvarga This is useful for Sarvashtakvarga analysis.
IV Some controversies:
1. Bhava Chart vs. Rasi Chart: Seemingly benefic results of Rashi are nullified in Bhava Chart; specially, when Asc. Degrees arer closer to Bhava sandhi, while others prefer Rasi Chart for AV analysis. It is advisable to do AV analysis in Bhava Chart also.
2. Lagnashtak benefic bindus (337 or 386 bindus): There are 49 benefic points allocated to Lagna also, making a total of 337+49=386. Some consider that Lag. Benefic points are already there for each of the planets and a fixed entity does not have transit as planet. It would be, therefore, repetitive.
1. Ashtakvarga of Rahu: Similarly, Rahu is given 43 benefic points. Rahu being shadow planet and having no lordship of any Kakshya & has been kept out of AV analysis. As it has gives 18 yrs. Of Dasha, it should be considered in transit, benefic places from natal being 3, 6, 10 and 11.
2. Tikona Sodhan: When bindus are unequal in trinal group subtract the smallest from the three (N. India) vs. retain the smallest for the three (S. India-Hora Ratna-Balbhadra or Jatak Parijat).
3. Bindu difference in and ‘s AV: Parashara and Varahamihir give slightly different places as benefic points in ‘s and ‘s AV. Later one is widely accepted, though Mantre swar (Phaldeepa P. 540) is with Parashara:
Shanker Adawal
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