b) 5L is in 2H in great friend’s sign and there is an exchange of 5L/10L and 2L – indicating good promise for progeny. Male planets indicate male progeny.
c) the karaka for progeny is 9L/6L in 11H with 32 SAV and itself having 6 bindus in Taurus. In case of woman 9L is also karaka for children and powerfully aspecting 5H shows promise of more than one male progenies.
d) 5L from is and is in 5H, a friend’s sign for in the horoscope having aspect of and – two male planets in its OH and FH respectively. This show male progeny.
e) Kshetra Sputa (KS) is in Cancer at 6o 57’ in Lagna and in Navamsha in Virgo in 7H. Both sign and Navamsha are even sign and for woman it indicate a very good promise for progeny. Similarly Putra Saham can also be seen.
D/7 Chart:
e) In D7 also there is promise of male progeny. Lagna being even for woman, 9L counted indirect for even Lagna is OH giving male progeny. Second child is given by 11L (indirect count) in odd signs would also give male progeny.
f) The probable D/AD being from 7-06-44 to 24-10-44 and from 14-08-46 to 17-12-46. posited in Taurus with 32 SAV bindus and with 6 bindus in its BAV in Taurus is eminently posited to bestow its signification as Karaka for male progeny during its Partyantar Dashas.
g) Indira gave birth two sons, during above periods, Rajive on 20.8.44 and Sanjay on 14.12.46. Incidentally in 5H and as 12L in 5H also indicate loss of progeny. Her second son Sanjay died in plane crash on 30.6.80. The aspect of on 5H also indicate progeny loss in brutal accident.
Shanker Adawal
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