Know your Characteristics From Your Own Thumb

Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)
The thumb of a person is important as there is an intimate connection between the thumb and the brain. According to a system of belief, a thumb center is supposed to exist in the brain. The thumb reveals the degree of logic, self assertion, vitality and the quantum of will power of the possessor. It is the key to the whole hand. The thumb is considered so revealing that many palmists rely on it to discover various aspects of the subjects, and base their reading of a person upon it. The value of the thumb can be realized from the fact that without it, we are unable to grasp anything properly. The absence of this faculty is debilitating.
The thumb is an index of whether the possessor can make use of his talents and ability or whether his success will depend on chance. One has to study the following: Size, position, shape, type and flexibility.
The thumb is of various sizes: long very long, short very short and average.
•       Long thumb when the thumb is held against the adjoining finger (Jupiter finger and  reaches the  top of the third phalange it is treated as a long thumb. it is considered an excellent  sign as the possessor has energy, initiative and the  capacity for thought and action. the possessor has his  own way of acting  with a reasoned will.
He is possessed more of intellect than emotions persons with long thumbs generally incline towards engineering and industrial towards engineering and industrial sciences they are also physically well built.
•       Very long thumb- when the thumb comfortably crosses the top of the third phalange of the Jupiter finger, it is treated as a long thumb. Such persons are governed by the head rather than the heart. They are of somewhat obstinate nature and are not always wise. They are Dominating and tyrannical, and have uncontrollable power. They may have to undergo pangs of separation.
•       Short thumb- it reaches the base of the Jupiter finger or crosses it marginally. The possessor is indecisive and shifts from one idea to another. He has weak reasoning power, is emotional, and gets carried away by his feelings rather than applying his head. He lacks initiative, will power and is careless.
•       Very short thumb- the thumb is nowhere near the base of the Jupiter Finger. The possessor goes from one extreme to another and may have to face poverty.
•       Average (normal) thumb- the average thumb, when it is held against the adjoining finger, reaches half way of the third phalange. Persons with this type of thumb are of balanced mind and possess strength and will power.
We need also to consider the position of the thumb, Whether it is high set or low set, with a wide gap between the base of the Jupiter finger and the inner root of the thumb.
•       High- set thumb-when the thumb grows out from the side of the hand in such a way that the distance between the thumb and the Jupiter is comparatively less. Persons of this type have lower grade intelligence and adaptability.
•       Low – set thumb – the thumb is positioned low on the hand and opens wide from the hand. There is a large space between it and the finger of Jupiter. Such persons have abundant human qualities. They ate friendly, sociable, generous helpful and share their prosperity with others. They are sympathetic towards people in distress they are independent minded and have a distinct personality. However, they do not like to be closely attached to someone or to be obliged or dominated as they like freedom and independence.
•       We shall now take up the shape of the thumb and how flexible it is.
•       Large thumb – indicates strength of character. – The subject is governed by emotions and is easily influenced. He is generally a planner and does better in planning than operation.
•       Thick thumb he hardly cares for others, feelings. He is a brute in his thinking and passions.
•       Slender thumb this type attracts people and has a strong character. The slender thumb denotes poetic and artistic genius.
•       Broad thumb the person has determination and physical strength. He is aggressive and overcome obstacles: does not mind using violence for achieving his aim.
•       Elementary thumb – the thumb looks like a banana, a mass of flesh stuck to the hand Brutishness, obstinacy and lack of refinement  are  the  characteristic  of the  possessor. He does not care about the language he uses or about the feelings of others.
•       Flat or nervous thumb – such a thumb appears as if the flesh has been fully sucked out by pressing. it  is soft and  flat, and the possessor seems to have  been overcome by nervous debility.
•       Clubbed thumb (murderers thumb) – the first phalange is thick and round or broad and the nail short and very coarse in texture. Due to the thickness, coarseness and brutal nature of the thumb it is called the murderers thumb. On the basis of the study of the thumb of murderers it must have been found out by wizard of palmistry that most of them were possessed of this type of thumb. Being possessed of brutal instincts, they in a fit of violent rage would not hesitate to take human life Clubbed thumbs are largely hereditary. However, it will  not be such thumb have committed  murder or will commit murder the other features of the hand  will  also have to be taken into account while analyzing  the character of the  subject.  

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