Dr. Shanker Adawal
5. Kartari Yoga
Kartari means scissors, so
this group of yoga can be called Scissors yoga as well. This group of yoga is
caused by planets being placed around a certain house and/or planet. The most
generally occurring scissors yoga is when two benefics or malefics enclose a
planet or a house. In Indian astrology, the term enclosed is used for
containment in a negative sense, and also for containment with positive
this group of yoga can be called Scissors yoga as well. This group of yoga is
caused by planets being placed around a certain house and/or planet. The most
generally occurring scissors yoga is when two benefics or malefics enclose a
planet or a house. In Indian astrology, the term enclosed is used for
containment in a negative sense, and also for containment with positive
Enclosure by malefics of a
planet/ a house is called Paapkartari
yoga and enclosure by benefics of a planet or a house Shubhakartari yoga. Paap means “sin”. This is also called “hemmed
in”; whereas Shubha means auspicious.
Here the benefic planets surround a house. The malefic planets are Mars,
Saturn, Sun, Rahu & Ketu, while the benefic planets are Jupiter, Venus, and
Mercury. There must be a malefic/ benefic in both the house before, and after
(surrounding) the house/ planet hemmed in. These yoga are akin to Durdhara yoga for Moon or the Ubhayachari Yoga for Sun in nature.
According to some astrologers, only the pure planets can form these scissors
yoga, but not Rahu and Ketu.
planet/ a house is called Paapkartari
yoga and enclosure by benefics of a planet or a house Shubhakartari yoga. Paap means “sin”. This is also called “hemmed
in”; whereas Shubha means auspicious.
Here the benefic planets surround a house. The malefic planets are Mars,
Saturn, Sun, Rahu & Ketu, while the benefic planets are Jupiter, Venus, and
Mercury. There must be a malefic/ benefic in both the house before, and after
(surrounding) the house/ planet hemmed in. These yoga are akin to Durdhara yoga for Moon or the Ubhayachari Yoga for Sun in nature.
According to some astrologers, only the pure planets can form these scissors
yoga, but not Rahu and Ketu.
A planet/ house in Paapkartari becomes weak & loses its
significations, does not prosper and produce evil results, whereas a planet/
house in Subhakartari gets
strengthened, and function exceptionally well regarding its significations.
When the first house is enclosed, it is of particular importance as it provides
basic protection & welfare to the native. One could say that the first
house is the horoscope in miniature. In Gandhi’s horoscope (chart No. 18), we
can see that the first house is enclosed by the Sun (malefic in the twelfth
house) and Saturn (malefic in the second house). This is a Paapkartari yoga, which caused a certain number of problems in his
significations, does not prosper and produce evil results, whereas a planet/
house in Subhakartari gets
strengthened, and function exceptionally well regarding its significations.
When the first house is enclosed, it is of particular importance as it provides
basic protection & welfare to the native. One could say that the first
house is the horoscope in miniature. In Gandhi’s horoscope (chart No. 18), we
can see that the first house is enclosed by the Sun (malefic in the twelfth
house) and Saturn (malefic in the second house). This is a Paapkartari yoga, which caused a certain number of problems in his
The native had his lagna
hemmed between malefics Ketu & Mars causing Paapkartari yoga. The Moon too is surrounded by two malefics Sun
& Saturn causing a malefic Durdhara
or another Paapkartari yoga. The
native suffered from an incurable disease, which eventually proved fatal. In
order to overcome these double afflictions, Lagnesh should have been extra
strong and under benefic influence. But Lagnesh Venus is closely conjunct with
12th lord Mercury in Rahu-Ketu axis and aspected by Saturn. In
Navamsha, Lagnesh was in 8th house with 6th lord Sun in
hemmed between malefics Ketu & Mars causing Paapkartari yoga. The Moon too is surrounded by two malefics Sun
& Saturn causing a malefic Durdhara
or another Paapkartari yoga. The
native suffered from an incurable disease, which eventually proved fatal. In
order to overcome these double afflictions, Lagnesh should have been extra
strong and under benefic influence. But Lagnesh Venus is closely conjunct with
12th lord Mercury in Rahu-Ketu axis and aspected by Saturn. In
Navamsha, Lagnesh was in 8th house with 6th lord Sun in
6. Sampatti (landed
property) Yogas
property) Yogas
It is the natural desire
of any native to possess landed properties and good mansions as many as
possible. It is a status symbol in the society and is generally the result of various
Rajyoga, particularly those related to 4th, 7th, 8th,
9th and 11th houses. The general karaka for landed
property is Saturn and of houses are Mars and Ketu. However Jupiter denotes big
houses, Venus the beautiful ones and Mercury the commercial properties. Some of
the yoga facilitating acquisition of landed property/ houses are given below:
of any native to possess landed properties and good mansions as many as
possible. It is a status symbol in the society and is generally the result of various
Rajyoga, particularly those related to 4th, 7th, 8th,
9th and 11th houses. The general karaka for landed
property is Saturn and of houses are Mars and Ketu. However Jupiter denotes big
houses, Venus the beautiful ones and Mercury the commercial properties. Some of
the yoga facilitating acquisition of landed property/ houses are given below:
Ayatna Griha Prapti Yoga: This yoga has two variations. Either
lords of lagna & 7th should occupy lagna or the 4th
house, aspected by benefics; or the 9th lord is posited in Kendra
and the 4th lord is in its exaltation or own sign. Such a native
acquires number of house property with minimal efforts.
Ayatna Griha Prapti Yoga: This yoga has two variations. Either
lords of lagna & 7th should occupy lagna or the 4th
house, aspected by benefics; or the 9th lord is posited in Kendra
and the 4th lord is in its exaltation or own sign. Such a native
acquires number of house property with minimal efforts.
ii) Chandra-Mangal Yoga: Already
coveredunder lunar yogas in chapter-8.
coveredunder lunar yogas in chapter-8.
Durgesa Yoga: This yoga is formed when Navamsha lord of
Rhu is in 5th or 9th house in exaltation, while 9th
lord is in 7th house and Mars is powerful. Such a native owns vast
landed property.
Durgesa Yoga: This yoga is formed when Navamsha lord of
Rhu is in 5th or 9th house in exaltation, while 9th
lord is in 7th house and Mars is powerful. Such a native owns vast
landed property.
Jaladhi Yoga: If 4th house is occupied/
aspected by a benefic and the 4th lord is well placed in exaltation/
own sign and is not combust, this yoga is formed. Such a native has
agricultural lands, cattle, property, conveyance, and house comforts.
Jaladhi Yoga: If 4th house is occupied/
aspected by a benefic and the 4th lord is well placed in exaltation/
own sign and is not combust, this yoga is formed. Such a native has
agricultural lands, cattle, property, conveyance, and house comforts.
Uttam Griha Yoga: If the 4th lord joins benefics
in a Kendra/ Trikone, cause this yoga. Such a native possesses good houses.
Uttam Griha Yoga: If the 4th lord joins benefics
in a Kendra/ Trikone, cause this yoga. Such a native possesses good houses.
Vichitra Graha Yoga: If lords of 4th & 10th
are conjoined with Mars & Saturn, this yoga is given rise to. This yoga is
more likely to occur for natives born in Leo, Libra, Scorpio or Capricorn
lagna. The native is likely to acquire innumerable mansions.
Vichitra Graha Yoga: If lords of 4th & 10th
are conjoined with Mars & Saturn, this yoga is given rise to. This yoga is
more likely to occur for natives born in Leo, Libra, Scorpio or Capricorn
lagna. The native is likely to acquire innumerable mansions.
vii) If
lagna lord is strong and 9th lord is in exaltation/ own sign, one
owns large properties.
lagna lord is strong and 9th lord is in exaltation/ own sign, one
owns large properties.
viii) If
4th house from karkamsha
lagna, has Moon & Venus, one owns palatial houses.
4th house from karkamsha
lagna, has Moon & Venus, one owns palatial houses.
ix) If
lords of 4th, 5th, & 11th are together, the
native gets a lot of landed properties.
lords of 4th, 5th, & 11th are together, the
native gets a lot of landed properties.
Mercury in company with Sun in 8th or with Mars in 10th
house, is capable of conferring landed property and buildings to the native.
Mercury in company with Sun in 8th or with Mars in 10th
house, is capable of conferring landed property and buildings to the native.
xi) 4th
lord in 8th with 9th lord gives natives various
properties from different sources and at different places.
lord in 8th with 9th lord gives natives various
properties from different sources and at different places.
xii) If
there is exchange of lords of lagna & 4th and Mars occupy 1st/
4th house, one gets own house.
there is exchange of lords of lagna & 4th and Mars occupy 1st/
4th house, one gets own house.
xiii) If
Lagnesh, 2nd & 4th lords are in Kendra/ Trikone, one
owns many houses.
Lagnesh, 2nd & 4th lords are in Kendra/ Trikone, one
owns many houses.
xiv) If
there is exchange of 4th & 10th lords and both have
aspects of benefics, one owns innumerable landed properties.
there is exchange of 4th & 10th lords and both have
aspects of benefics, one owns innumerable landed properties.
xv) If
strong 4th lord is in a Upachaya house and influenced by benefics,
one owns lot of landed properties.
strong 4th lord is in a Upachaya house and influenced by benefics,
one owns lot of landed properties.
The native was Ex-ruler of
Keonjhar state (Orrisa). He had 4th lord Mars in 8th
house with 9th lord Mercury without any malefic aspect. His 7th
lord Moon formed Gajkesari yoga in 11th house. The native had the
land and properties including palaces at different places in India mostly
inherited. He had lot of property
through marriage as well. His Jupiter Moon combine was aspected separately by
lagna lord Saturn and 4th lord Mars.
Keonjhar state (Orrisa). He had 4th lord Mars in 8th
house with 9th lord Mercury without any malefic aspect. His 7th
lord Moon formed Gajkesari yoga in 11th house. The native had the
land and properties including palaces at different places in India mostly
inherited. He had lot of property
through marriage as well. His Jupiter Moon combine was aspected separately by
lagna lord Saturn and 4th lord Mars.
Shanker Adawal
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