Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Yogas:- Arishta Yogas, Chapter XIV, Part – 7

Dr. Shanker Adawal
25. Rheumatism, Gout
or Arthirites Yoga
These diseases are also
caused due to imbalance in wind (Vata)
element in the body. It causes painful swelling in the joints and makes
movements very difficult. Various astrological yoga for it are as follows;
Saturn & Mars are posited in mutual Trikones.
Saturn posited in 2nd, 3rd or 8th is aspected
by malefics.
The depositor of 3rd lord is posited in 8th and is
Weak Moon and Saturn are posited in 12th and are afflicted.
Mars-Moon or Mars-Saturn combinations occupies 1st, 7th
or 9th house and is afflicted.
Sun in Cancer aspected by Saturn or Saturn in Cancer is aspected by Mars.
Lagnesh conjoins with Saturn & a malefic in lagna without benefic
Debilitated 6th lord conjoins Saturn.
The lady had severe gout
& Rheumatism at a rather young age of 25 and by the age of 30, she found it
very difficult to attend her routine life. In her chart, Ketu occupied 6th
house associated with Moon in Paapkartari
and was aspected by Mars causing faulty blood circulation. Saturn was the
depositor of Rahu and was posited in 7th aspecting lagna and 4th
house. She had Mars & Saturn in mutual Trikone. Her 4th, 8th
& 12th houses are afflicted by Rahu. All these factors
contributed to the dreaded disease.
26. Unmaad (insanity)
This yoga is formed when
all Significators of Mana & Buddhi
are under influence of malefics. Mana
is represented by 4th house, its lord & Moon, while Buddhi is represented by lagna, 5th
house, their lords & Mercury. The malefics are 6th & 8th
lords, Mars, Saturn & Nodes. When these eight elements are weak and
afflicted by the malefics, depending upon the extent of malevolence, a native
may suffer various diseases like depression, melancholia, Matibhram, mental imbalance, insanity or lunatics etc. Some of the
combinations are as under:
Mars & Jupiter are posited in 1-7th axis.
Saturn is in lagna, while Mars is in 5th, 7th or 9th
Saturn occupies 12th house with waning Moon.
Moon & Mercury are in 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th
or 8th house related with malefics.
Debilitated 3rd lord in 6th house in affliction cause Unmaad due to poison/ drugs.
Saturn, Sun & 5th lord together in affliction cause Unmaad due to fear of Govt authorities.
Moon/ Mercury & Saturn in 12th while Moon & Mars are in
Moon/ Mercury in 6, 7 or 8th house aspected by Saturn or Ketu.
The native was emperor of
Japan, and suffered from various mental problems throughout his life. His
Lagnesh Mercury (R) was in 12th house in Nakshtra of Ketu with 12th
lord Sun in mutual aspect with 11th lord Moon (in Nakshtra of 8th
lord Mars & depositor of Ketu) associated with 4th lord Jupiter
(R) from 6thg house. 5th lord Saturn is in 7th house in
Nakshtra of 12th lord Mercury aspecting lagna & 4th
house, slowing down functioning of brain. By 1910, during dasha of
Jupiter-Mars, the maladies increased so much that he could not carry out his
public duties.

Shanker Adawal

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