Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)
Published in Starteller, May 2006
Five states are going to polls (Assembly) in India soon. Here is an attempt to assess the political trends using the birth details of various political heads and parties (procured from journals and friends). Keeping in mind the fact that the parties will fare differently in different states, only the major trend is predicted.
Congress – I
Formation Details:
2 Jan. 1978; Delhi.
Ascendant in Pisces with Ketu, Moon and Rahu in the 7th in Virgo, Jupiter in Gemini, Sun and Venus in Sagittarius.
As per Bhrigu Nadi technique, the rotated Jupiter will be in Leo (from 24th to 36th year). Its dispositor Sun is placed 5th from it natally in Sagittarius, along with Venus. Despite changes and turmoil, the party will be in control at the Centre.
Formation Details:
6 April 1980; 11:45 hrs; Delhi Ascendant in Gemini; Moon in Scorpio. Mars, Rahu, Jupiter and Saturn in Leo; Venus in Taurus.
The current period is Venus Saturn. Venus is the 12th and the 5th lord occupying its own Sign and exalted in Navamsa. Saturn is the 8th and the 9th lord posited in the 3rd house in Leo, Major changes in the party setup are in the offing. Oncoming Saturn and Ketu conjunction in Leo, in the natal 3rd house positing four planets, also indicates the same. There will be only status quo till 2008. Minor improvements are indicated in the assembly elections.
DOB: 24 Feb. 1948; 14:43 hrs; Chennai
Ascendant in Gemini; Saturn in Cancer; Moon and Mars in Leo; Ketu in Libra; Jupiter in Sagittarius; Sun and Mercury in Aquarius; Venus is Pisces; Rahu in Aries.
The current period is Rahu-Venus, Venus as the 5th and the 12th lord is posited in the 10th house in exaltation, creating mahapurusha yoga. Dasa lord Rahu posited in the 11th is capable of doing good. Transit Saturn is currently crossing the natal Saturn. Success is indicated, after tension and changes.
Shanker Adawal
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