Charms Talismans and Spells: Remedies through Gems, Chapter XXII, Part – 4


Dr. Shanker Adawal

3. For fruitfulness and propagation. Should be worn by the newly married; by those interested in husbandry and the breeding of animals.

4. For financial matters, and prospers and transactions and enterprises. Of value to speculators, bankers and those dealing with money.

5. For success in travel and changes; protects against dangers and mishaps in travel on land or water. Should be worn by sailors, commercial travelers, and all those having much activity.

6. Gives luck in connection with legacies and wills; is helpful for the discovery of hidden treasurer; confers eloquence and enlightens the mind. Orators, actors and those interested in mining and seeking of treasure should have this jewel.

7. Good for pleasure, hazardous risks, harmonious relations with children, success to actors, and in all love matters. Should be worn by gamblers; those connected with the stage; is of luck to children, to teachers, and those who seek to gain the affections of the opposite sex.

8. For health; success to servants; gives luck in the breeding of small animals and poultry. Should be used by the sick; those in subordinate positions; breeders of dogs, cats birds, etc.

9. For friendship, justice, marriage, or law. Useful to those who are engaged to marry, or who are married; to judges, lawyers and all those seeking favor or friendship.

10. Success in warfare, contests, dangerous pursuits, and in handling medicine. Soldiers, doctors, chemists, surgeons, those entering into contests or wherever there is risk to life should wear this.

11. Gives success to voyagers, emigrants, pioneers, and those living in foreign countries. Should be used by adventurers, explorers, those going abroad or dealing with foreigners.

12. For honour preferment, seeking favour, for enlightening the understanding and conferring reason. To be worn by those seeking position or the favour of those authority. Politicians and rulers should possess this jewel.

Besides there are those who would like to change their gems daily, if so, the gems given to each day may be converted into potent talismans and worn on their day irrespective of birth data. They will be as below:-

1. Sunday: – A ruby or chrysolite set in gold and engraved on the gem or metal a scepter king upon lion or queen with a scepter.

2. Monday: – A selenite, pearl, or opal set in silver having design of a king riding on a doe, or a woman with a bow and arrow.

3. Tuesday: – An amethyst or bloodstone set in iron having design of a king on a wolf, or a female warrior.

4. Wednesday: – An olivine, agate or jade set in platinum having design of a king riding upon a bear, or a woman spinning.

5. Thursday: – An emerald or sapphire set in tin having design of a king with a javelin riding on a stag, or a woman bedecked with flowers.

6. Friday: – A turquoise, beryl, or lapis lazuli set in copper having design of a king riding on a camel or a naked maiden.

7. Saturday: – An onyx set in lead having design of a king crowned and seated on a dragon or a witch.

When planets give their full effects


16th year (age 15-16).

The Sun

22nd year (age 21-22).

The Moon

24th year (age 23-24).


25th year (age 24-25).


28th year (age 27-28).


32nd year (age 31-32).


36th year (age 35-36).


42nd year (age 41-42).


48th year (age 47-48).

The following list will give some idea of the larger number of stone used in occult jewellery some of which are very rare and seldom met with. Readers will be able to classify any of the gems they may possess by referring to this list.


Shanker Adawal

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