Dr. Shanker Adawal
Father – difficulty in maintaining family
Father has great difficulty in maintaining family though he earns in 2 – 3 ways.
Sun is in conjunction with Mercury and Venus progresses to meet Ravi. (Sun conjunct Mercury as his depositor of Ketu gives earning in 2 – 3 ways. Sun’s having Saturn and Venus behind indicates difficulty in maintaining family).
Father a low paid official
Father will be a low paid official.
Sun progresses to meet Mars and then Rahu.
Better days from 24
He will have better days from 24.
(When Jupiter will be transiting over natal Jupiter and then no planets excepting Mars which is good).
Live up to 58th year.
(Venus as progresses in 5th round and comes to Leo before Ketu and lord Sun in an inimical sign, with Venus before. In this round Venus comes to Aquarius the lord debilitated). In case of female native for determining longevity rotate Venus. Jupiter plays the role of giving the enjoyment of fruits of the karkas. Venus and Jupiter need to be taken into account in case of female horoscope.
Chart No. 86
Father – many trials and bad people
Made the native’s father undergo many trials and showdown all through bad people.
The two houses behind the position of Sun are vacant. Saturn is in Aries and Rahu, Moon in Aquarius.
Father – number of brothers
The father had 3 brothers.
Sun has two associates Mercury and Mars (and Saturn in the rear).
Father – lovers
Father had 3 lovers.
With Venus and Ketu Adjoining Sun’s position. The indication is that father had 3 lovers (Moon aspecting Venus and Ketu).
Mother – dangerous times
Mother is likely to have dangerous times.
Moon is in conjunction with Rahu and aspected by Venus. (Venus is also inimical to Moon).
Father – Troubles at birth of native
The father would have undergone troubles at the time of birth of the native.
As Jupiter is situated in Libra the Sun’s debilitation sign.
Father – landed property
The father had some landed property.
Sun’s conjunction is with Mars and Mercury.
Mother – longevity
Native’s mother will not live long.
Venus is in conjunction with Ketu.
Father – paramour
Father had a paramour.
Moon’s conjunction with Rahu aspected by Venus shows father has a paramour. The father must have 3 lovers.
Native born out of 3rd wife
The 3rd wife of the father becomes the person to rear up the native.
Venus lord of the house occupied by Jupiter being 2nd to Sun (conjoined with Ketu showing 2nd or 3rd number).
Shanker Adawal
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