Ordinary good and bad aspects of life from Khavedamsa. (xv)
All other aspects of life from Aksha-vedamsa and Shashtamsa. Maharshi Parasara has furnished the following additional
information for our guidance: –
All other aspects of life from Aksha-vedamsa and Shashtamsa. Maharshi Parasara has furnished the following additional
information for our guidance: –
i. Planets
have full powers in exaltation, moolatrikona and own signs: and they are
powerless in debilitation with proportionate effect in other positions.
have full powers in exaltation, moolatrikona and own signs: and they are
powerless in debilitation with proportionate effect in other positions.
ii. The Sun,
Mars and Jupiter are effective in odd Sun-Hora; the Moon, Venus and Saturn are
effective in even Moon-Hora but Mercury is effective in both, i.e., Moon-Hora
effects in even signs; Sun-Hora effects in odd signs.
Mars and Jupiter are effective in odd Sun-Hora; the Moon, Venus and Saturn are
effective in even Moon-Hora but Mercury is effective in both, i.e., Moon-Hora
effects in even signs; Sun-Hora effects in odd signs.
iii. A
planet in opposition to the Sun gives full effect and is powerless in
conjunction with the Sun with proportionate effect in other cases.
planet in opposition to the Sun gives full effect and is powerless in
conjunction with the Sun with proportionate effect in other cases.
iv. Planets
give full effect in the middle portion of the vargas. The effect develops from
the beginning of the varga, rises to its maximum at the middle, then decreases
and becomes powerless at the end, like the start.
give full effect in the middle portion of the vargas. The effect develops from
the beginning of the varga, rises to its maximum at the middle, then decreases
and becomes powerless at the end, like the start.
v. In
Trimsamsavarga, effects of Mars can be taken as those of the Sun and the
Venusian effects can be taken as those of the Moon.
Trimsamsavarga, effects of Mars can be taken as those of the Sun and the
Venusian effects can be taken as those of the Moon.
vi. Planets
in benefic Shashtamsa bestow good effects while bad effect comes out of a
planet occupying malefic Shashtamsa.
in benefic Shashtamsa bestow good effects while bad effect comes out of a
planet occupying malefic Shashtamsa.
vii. The
rising and setting of planets give a modifying good or bad touch to the
above-mentioned effects.
rising and setting of planets give a modifying good or bad touch to the
above-mentioned effects.
viii. Good
vargas for a planet are his three powerful signs and vargas of angular lords
from the tenancy sign of the planet.
vargas for a planet are his three powerful signs and vargas of angular lords
from the tenancy sign of the planet.
ix. Bad
vargas for a planet or his angular lords are combustion, fall, debilitation,
defeat in planetary fight or bad avasthas like mrita, sayana and
vriddha.Maharshi Parasara has indicated the following effects for lords of
different houses attaining more than one of own varga powers:–
vargas for a planet or his angular lords are combustion, fall, debilitation,
defeat in planetary fight or bad avasthas like mrita, sayana and
vriddha.Maharshi Parasara has indicated the following effects for lords of
different houses attaining more than one of own varga powers:–
1. Angular (1st, 4th,
7th and 10th) lords make one charitable in Parijata; extremely charitable in
Uttama; manly in Gopura; honourable in Simhasana; courageous in Paravata;
leader in assembly in Devaloka; Muni or Rishi in Brahmaloka and always happy in
Satruvahana or Airavata. As no planet attains Sreedhamavarga in Kali Yuga, the
effect has not been mentioned.
7th and 10th) lords make one charitable in Parijata; extremely charitable in
Uttama; manly in Gopura; honourable in Simhasana; courageous in Paravata;
leader in assembly in Devaloka; Muni or Rishi in Brahmaloka and always happy in
Satruvahana or Airavata. As no planet attains Sreedhamavarga in Kali Yuga, the
effect has not been mentioned.
2. The 5th lord
brings learning according to caste in Parijata; best learning in Uttama; world
fame for learning in Gopura; learning with ministership in Simhasana; knowledge
of Brahma in Paravata; Karma Yoga in Devaloka; always prayer in Brahmaloka and
expression of extreme devotion or bhakti in Airavata.
brings learning according to caste in Parijata; best learning in Uttama; world
fame for learning in Gopura; learning with ministership in Simhasana; knowledge
of Brahma in Paravata; Karma Yoga in Devaloka; always prayer in Brahmaloka and
expression of extreme devotion or bhakti in Airavata.
3. The 9th lord gives
love of pilgrimage in Parijata; constant pilgrimage in Uttama; participation in
Yagna in Gopura; bravery and truthfulness with passions under control
inSimhasana; Paramahamsa status in Paravata; dandi-sannyasi-hood in Devaloka;
position second only to Indra by performing AswamedhaYaga in Brahmaloka and
supremely religious outlook like Ramachandra and Yudhishthira in Airavata.
love of pilgrimage in Parijata; constant pilgrimage in Uttama; participation in
Yagna in Gopura; bravery and truthfulness with passions under control
inSimhasana; Paramahamsa status in Paravata; dandi-sannyasi-hood in Devaloka;
position second only to Indra by performing AswamedhaYaga in Brahmaloka and
supremely religious outlook like Ramachandra and Yudhishthira in Airavata.
4. Lords of the 3rd,
6th, 8th, 11th and 12th houses, singly or in combination, on attaining
Parijata, give suffering during tenancy of the 1st house; best of men in the
2nd house; helper of a number of people in the 3rd house; landed property or
ownership of villages in the 4th house; Guru in the 5th house; Brahmanic
occupation in the 6th house; destruction of enemies and honour of gods in the
7th house and power of an arbiter of life and death of many mortals and animals
in the 8th house.
6th, 8th, 11th and 12th houses, singly or in combination, on attaining
Parijata, give suffering during tenancy of the 1st house; best of men in the
2nd house; helper of a number of people in the 3rd house; landed property or
ownership of villages in the 4th house; Guru in the 5th house; Brahmanic
occupation in the 6th house; destruction of enemies and honour of gods in the
7th house and power of an arbiter of life and death of many mortals and animals
in the 8th house.
Dr. Shanker Adawal
Profile: www.connectingmind.com
Research work and articles on Bhrigu Nadi astrology: www.shankerstudy.com
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