Cancer: The dreaded term for malignant growths and lumps. Saturn, Moon and dusthanas 6th, 8th and 12th seems to figure prominently in the charts of cancer patients. It relates the Lagna or its lord to the 6th, 8th & 12th house or their lords. These dusthans rule such traumic situations or events as would change the entire course of one’s life. Ketu also plays an important role as it is difficult to detect and diagnose Cancer.
1. Mercury and 6th lord in one of the trik houses aspected by Saturn.
2. Mercury and the 6th lord in the 4th house with Saturn occupying lagna.
3. Mercury in the 4th house from Saturn and 6th lord in one of the trik houses.
4. Mercury in the 6th or 8th or 12th house aspected by Saturn.
5. Mercury associated with Sun in 3rd, 6th or 11th house opposed by Mars and Saturn.
6. Mercury, Moon and Mars together in the Rahu/Ketu axis in the 3rd or 11th house.
7. Birth taking place at night time with Ven in the 5th house and Mercury occupying the 6th house.
8. Conjuction of Sun and Mercury in houses 3rd ,6th or 11th .
9. Mercury and Ven conjoined in the 12th house lead to defective hearing in the left ear.
10. Malefics located in the 3rd or 11th or 5th or 9th house unaspected by benefics.
1. Rahu in the lagna or 5th house.
2. Rahu posited in 2nd from 7th lord
3. 2nd lord along with 6th lord associated with malefic.
4. Malefics in 7th house unaspected by benefics.
5. Aries or Taurus signs coinciding with lagna or 2nd house and aspected by or associated with malefics.
1. Ven in the 6th house aspected by Jupiter from the 12th house.
2. Lord of 5th house in conjuction with 6th, 8th or 12th lords.
3. Jupiter retrograde, afflicted in a trik house.
4. Jupiter debilitated or located in 6th, 8th or 12th houses.
5. Saturn and Rahu afflicting Jupiter by association or aspect.
1. Birth at the time of an eclipse, Jupiter in the lagna or a trine, Saturn and Mars in the 6th or 8th house.
2. Sun, Moon and Mars together in the Lagna or the 8th house aspected by malefics.
3. Moon and Rahu in the 8th house.
4. 6th or 8th house associated with Saturn and Mars.
5. Rahu in the Lagna and Moon in the 6th house.
1. Sun in the lagna- in Aries lagna, it leads to inflammation of the eyes. In Leo lagna, it leads to night blindness. In Cancer lagna, it leads to cataract and in Libra lagna it leads to blindness.
2. Weak Moon aspected by Saturn, unaspected by Jupiter.
3. Sun,Venus and Mars located together in any house.
4. Venus as the 6th lord in the lagna and a retrograde benefic in the 6th or 8th or 12th house.
5. Two malefics in 2nd house.
6. Moon posited in the 6th house without the aspect or association of benefics.
7. 2nd lord and 12th lord together in the 6th or 8th or 12th house from Venus.
1. Sun in the lagna in Rahu/Ketu axis with malefic posited in the trines.
2. Sun and Moon in houses 6th and 8th: or Mars and Saturn in houses 6th and 8th .
3. Sun and Moon together in the 12th house afflicted by malefic.
4. Sun, lagna lord and 2nd lord posited together.
5. Sun and Moon together in a quadrant, in the 8th Navamsha of a watery sign.
6. Moon in the 2nd house from Sun, afflicted by association or aspect of malefic.
7. Debilitated Moon in the 6th or 12th house associated with or aspected by malefics.
8. Lord of the lagna in the sign of a malefic, in the 8th house.
1. Sun in the Rahu/Ketu axis with Mars and Saturn in a trine.
2. Sun, Moon, Ven, Mars and Saturn posited in any sign.
3. Lagna lord, 2nd lord 12th lord and Ven together in any of the trik houses.
4. Sun, Ven and Lagna lord together in the trik houses.
5. Saturn debilitated and combust, and birth taking place at the time of eclipse.
1. Lords of 2nd, 6th and 10th associating with Ven in Lagna.
2. Mars in 12th and Saturn in 2nd cause injury to the left and right eye respectively.
3. 2nd lord,12th lord and Ven debilitated in Navamsha and afflicted therein by malefic.
1. Sun in association or aspect of Mars, Saturn and Rahu/Ketu axis.
2. Sun in relationship with 6th, 8th or 12th houses or lords.
3. Sun in debilitation sign.
4. Sun in Paapkartati, i.e. being surrounded on either side by malefics.
5. Affliction of Leo sign by malefic association or aspect.
6. Affliction to the 5th house by association or aspect of natural malefic or the lords of trik houses from the Lagna, Sun and Mahadasha & Antardasha lords. Predominance of benefic influence on Sun and 5th house/lord indicates conservative treatment and recovery.
7. Affliction to the 5th lord by natural malefic, by lords of the trik houses or by retrograde planets.
8. Affliction to the 4th house from Lagna or from Sun indicates chest complications or surgical treatment of heart disease.
9. Dashas of planets associating with Sun, 5th house/lord and Antardasha of a retrograde planet in the 5th house.
1. Lagna, Moon and Ven all occupying masculine(odd) signs.
2. Mercury and Saturn in mutual aspect from odd signs.
3. Sun in an even sign in mutual aspect with Mars.
4. Saturn and Ven together in 10th house.
5. Saturn occupying 6th or 12th house from Ven.
6. Moon in an odd sign and Mercury in an even sign both aspected by Mars.
7. Moon and lagna in an odd signs both aspected by mars from an even sign.
8. Sun and Moon in mutual aspect while occupying odd signs.
1. Mars in the 4th house with Sun or Saturn in the 7th house.
2. Mars and Saturn in the Lagna and the Moon in the 8th house.
3. Sun in the 10th house aspected by Mars from 4th house leading to vehicular accident.
4. Sun and Saturn in the Lagna in Rahu/Ketu axis leading to fall from a tree.
5. Presence of malefic in the duadrants.
6. Saturn, Mars and Rahu together in the 8th house.
7. Presence of 4th lord in the 6th house or 6th lord in the 4th house or an exchange between 4th and 6th lords.
8. Saturn in the 4th house, Moon in the 7th house and Mars in 10th house.
9. Rahu or Ketu in 6th or 8th or 12th house with a quadrant or a trine lord.
10. Association or aspect of Mars on the 4th house.
1. Lagna lord, Moon and Mercury falling in Rahu/Ketu axis.
2. Mars in the Lagna, Sun in the 8th and Saturn in the 4th house.
3. Moon, Mars and Saturn together in Aries or Taurus rashi.
4. Mercury in Aries, Moon in 10th house and Saturn conjunct Mars in any house.
5. Moon in 4th from Karakamsha lagna aspected by Ven or Ketu.
6. Moon and Ven afflicted by malefic and located in a watery sign.
7. Moon aspected by Mars in 4th from the Karakamsha lagna.
8. Sun or Saturn with 6th lord in the lagna.
9. Mars as the 6th lord in the lagna.
10. Saturn, Mars, Moon and Ven in watery signs under affliction by malefics.
1. Birth in the Hora of Saturn or Mars, Sun-Moon conjuction in the lagna or the 5th or 9th and Jupiter in a quadrant.
2. Jupiter in the ascendant and Mars in the 7th house or vice-versa.
3. Association of Saturn and the lord of the 2nd house witj Sun or Mars.
4. Saturn in the Lagna and Mars in the 5th or 7th or in 9th house.
5. Saturn in the Lagna, the Sun in the 12th house and Mars or Moon in a trine.
6. Saturn in the 12th house associated with a waning Moon.
7. Rahu and Moon in the Lagna, and malefic in the trines.
1. Lagna lord and Mars in the 7th house and Saturn in the 12th house.
2. Sun in lagna, Mars in Scorpio sign and Saturn in the 7th house.
3. Saturn in 12th aspected by Mars and lagna lord.
4. Saturn in lagna and Mars in the 7th house.
5. Saturn aspected by malefic.
1. Moon conjoined with Saturn and aspected by Mars.
2. Moon and Sun involved in mutual exchange in the rashi or Navamsha chart.
3. Lagna aspected by Mars and Saturn.
4. Ven in association with Lagna lord in any of the trik houses.
5. Mars in the 4th and Rahu in the 12th from Karakamsha lagna.