What is a Horoscope and How is it Cast? – Part 1

What is meant by the word “horoscope” and the method of calculation!

A “horoscope,” then, is a diagram or map of the heavens for any given moment, – in the sense in which we are here using it, the moment of birth. This map of the heavens at birth, or ‘nativity’, constitutes a chart, as it were of the life-voyage of the person then born, and if rightly interpreted is as indispensable to the wayfarer on earth as are nautical charts to the seaman who desires to make the surest and the safest journey.

No one can make the fullest possible use of his opportunities, material or spiritual, in this world without a close and deep study of his nativity. 

This is not the mere hyperbole of an enthusiast, but a cold fact. For character is Destiny, and in no other way can a man gain that clear and unbiased insight into his own character that is required for the most effective development and improvement thereof, then by a study of those positions of the celestial bodies which have conferred upon him the qualities of disposition and temperament, therefore, than by a study of those positions of the celestial bodies which have conferred upon him the qualities of disposition and temperament that he finds himself endowed with.


Dr. A. Shanker



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