Views on Rahu and Ketu

According to Phala Deepika, the benefic signs for Rahu are Taurus (Vrishabha), Cancer (Karka), Aries (Mesha), Scorpio (Vrischika) and Aquarius (Kumbha); and for Ketu these are Pisces (Meena), Virgo (Kanya), Taurus (Vrishabha) and the second half of aggitarius (Dhanu). Their enemies are said to be the Sun, Moon and Guru while Kuja is Neutral, Rahu function like Shani, and Ketu like Kuja. Jupiter (Guru) cannot be the foe of Ketu. Different opinions are given by different authorities.
Parasara and Jaimini make Aquarius (Kumbha) the own house of Rahu, while Ketu’s own house is Scorpio (Vrischika).
One authority states that Rahu is exalted in Mithuna, has own house and Mula – trikona in Kumbha. His exaltation degrees is 20. Others say that the Mula – trikona is Kanya and his enemies are Ravi, Chandra and Kuja.
Jaimini takes Ketu to be a benefic in certain contexts. This seems to be valid because Ketu is a Moksha Karaka. Then his friends are Ravi, Chandra, Kuja, and Guru. The others are the friends of Rahu.
The different views about their own house, exaltation and Mula-trikona are tabulated for a proper study and investigation by those interested in the subject.
Ownhouse Exaltation Mula-trikona Friends
All houses
Uttara Kalamrita
(a) Rahu
(b) Ketu
Aquarius (Kumbha)
Phala Deepika
(b) Ketu
Saturn (Shani)
Mercury (Budha)
Venus (Shukra)
Saturn (Shani)
Mars (Kuja)
Gopala Ratnakara
(a) Rahu
(b) Ketu
Leo (Simha)
Saturn (Shani)
Venus (Shukra)
Sun (Ravi)
Moon (Chandra)
Mars (Kuja)
6. Chamatkara Chintamani
(a) Rahu
(b) Ketu`
Saturn (Shani)
Mercury (Budha)
Venus (Shukra)
Sun (Ravi
Moon (Chandra)
Mars (Kuja)
In my own view based on my more than a decade of experience Rahu’s own house is Kumbha, exaltation is on 20o Mithuna, and Mula-trikona is Vrishabha (Taurus). Ketu’s own house is Vrischika, exaltation is on 6o of Dhanu (Saggitarius) and Mula – trikona is Vrischika (Scorpio). Guru with Rahu causes a Chandala yoga. Guru with Ketu gives Jnana and Moksha if situated in a favourable place. We associate Ketu with the friends Sun, Moon, Mars and Jupiter. The readers are requested to send their views for publication in this journal.
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