The Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Aquarius

This combination is good for the individuality giving much refinement, a great deal of discrimination and careful thought. It intensifies the clearness and brightness of the Aquarian intellect and tones down the self-centering of the luminaries in the same sign. It is not altogether fortunate in a worldly sense but nevertheless makes the mind positive, self-centering of the luminaries in the same sign.

It is not altogether fortunate in a worldly sense but nevertheless makes the mind positive, self-reliant, original, fairly active, humane, well-disposed and well-balanced; if the mental significators are well placed, the native will be capable of assimilating unlimited education and mental culture. This polarity is well suited for a public career, or for holding office or appointment in connection with some public body. With fairly good aspects the native is likely to be very popular and to have many acquaintances and a pleasant home life; but with adverse aspects these indications will be more or less reversed and trouble or opposition will ensure. Marriage is extremely probable.

Dr. A. Shanker 

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