The Chakras – Moola Dhara

Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)

No machine can repair its broken parts, but our body does this through Prana Shakti This shakti is stored at different points called charkas. Five of these are along the spine and the remaining two in the upper most regions.

These charkas are just like power stations which supply energy to different parts and organs of the physical body. Partly or completely blocked charkas can create problems in the surroundings areas and can even lead to certain complications. Chakras become blocked by tightening of the muscles and poor postures. Each charka has a different kind of energy.
MOOLA DHARA CHAKRA: It is located at Perineum in the male body and at Cervix in the female body.
SHAPE: It is symbolized by a deep read Lotus with four Petals. In the centre of this Red Lotus there is a yellow square. Within the central square is a Red inverted triangle – the symbol of Shakti. In the inverted triangle there is Swayambhu Linga A sleeping serpent representing spiritual power, is coiled three and a half times around the Linga.
FUNCTION: It controls, energizes and strengthens the whole visible physical body, bones, muscles, blood etc.
MALFUNCTIONING OF THIS CHAKRA Lead to Back Problem, Arthritis, Blood Ailment, and Psychological etc.
Old people usually have depleted mooladhar charka. That is why their body is weak, their spine tend to curve.
The mooladhar charka is like the root of a tree. If the root is weak, the tree is weak. If the mooladhar charka is weak, the body is weak.
How to activate Mooladhara Chakra?
Daily clean the body and strengthen the nervous system by doing regular Yog Abhyas, Applying Tribandh during Kapal Bhati Pranayama.
To purify the basic elements of the body, there are specific Beeja Mantras. The element of these charkas is earth and its beeja mantra is LAM.
Create a root lock by squeezing the anus muscles the anus muscles and pulling them upward by visualizing the colours of this charka. With each squeeze recite LAM and feel that the Power of this mantra is conferring solidity upon your divine body. Red is the colour of energy and power. Yellow is the colour of intellect and mental stimulation.
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