Sugar & Jaggery Markets Corporate Astrology

Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)
The Ascendant is Sagittarius – the sign ruling over Jaggery and Sugar. The Ascendant Lord Jupiter also signifies Jaggery and Sugar. The supply of Jaggery and Sugar mainly depends upon the crop of Sugar canes. Like the natural charts of all commodities the chart of Jaggery and Sugar, must be seen. The other method is to see the Annual chart of the year. This is one of the most infallible master keys. Briefly rules governing the Jaggery and Sugar Market are:
1)      Jupiter in the Ascendant sign Sagittarius boosts the production of sugar cane crop. Abundant Jaggery and Sugar is therefore, the creator of fall in spite of Jupiter being the lord of the 1st and the 4th centers. This exception.
2)      Saturn/ Rahu/ Uranus/ Mars/ Pluto in Sagittarius or Pisces adversely affect the supply of Jaggery and sugar and lifts up the market consequently. Even as the 2nd the 3rd Lord Saturn, becomes booster of the market. This is also an exception.
3)      A solar eclipse on a Saturday or Sunday lifts the Jaggery and Sugar markets. But the shares of the Sugar mills decline. It is a contrast.
4)      There is rise in the Jaggery and the Sugar Markets, if there is solar ingress into Libra on a Sunday or Tuesday. Here shares also go up
5)      There is a rise in these markets, if there is Sunday or Tuesday. Here shares also go up.
6)      When Jupiter is exalted in Cancer, Saturn is in Pisces and Mars comes into Libra there is a remarkable size in Jaggery and Sugar Market.
7)      When the Jupiter is in Nakshtra ‘Uttara Shadha’ then comes rise in the Jaggery Markets.
8)      In monsoon, if Mercury gets Retrograde and then direct (it is an observation in India) that there is drought and the crop of sugar canes will be affected; sugar will be short and there is a sleep rise in countries where crops are taken with the canal water the rain does not control the crops completely.
9)      Pisces and its Lord Neptune also to a great extent rule, the Jaggery and Sugar Markets.
10)  There is abundant crop of sugar when Jupiter conjoins Neptune in Pisces or Sagittarius.
11)  Saturn and Neptune or Saturn and Jupiter conjunction in Sagittarius or Pieces will create crisis in supply of sugar and Jaggery and leads to consequent rise in price of these. But there the shares decline generally.
12)  Combustion of Jupiter of Neptune brings a rise in profit on account of short supply and slight fall in price follows thereafter. Here too the shares contrast trends in price.
13)  Direct motion of Saturn in Sagittarius brings rise and retrogression brings fall in prices when Jupiter is reverse in the same signs.
To be more precise the direction Jupiter creates abundant production and fall in prices, while retrograde Jupiter remarkably raises the prices.
14)  Saturn + Sun conjunction increase the price due to there government’s control and not necessarily due to scarcity.
15)  When the Sugar Jaggery market gets up the shares of any companies in this industry fall down in almost all cases. Exceptions if any are the subject of research. The discovery of Secrin, essences etc. have also to be studied for the good or bad effects exercised on the market. As a substitute of Sugar Jaggery, such essences may cool down the demand and price. Mercury is found to represent such neutralizing factors. Judgment of the trend of market fluctuations therefore demands a very careful analysis and synthesis.
With the research of new substitute the existing commodities become outdated and replaced in many fields. Necessity is the mother of inventions. The scarcity is not felt very acutely. On the contrary, the new substitutes are often cheaper and at times also superiors. So instead of a rise there is a rise there is a fall in the market. Therefore it is high times such rules are revised in the light of the new avenues of substitutes.
Shanker Adawal
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