Married Life, Divorced or Living in separation, Why?

In modern times, the number of divorce cases or of living
separately by the husband and wife has increased. For this there are many
reasons including of the planet and how the planets make one of the partners
‘proudly’, egoist, mentally sick, stubborn, obstinate, not interested in
keeping up the marital relations on account of some bad habits including of
‘drinking’ by the partner. It has been seen that divorce processing get started
on whimsically grounds including on account of extra marital relations or on
account of ‘impotency’ of the husband or frigidity of the wife. We have seen
many cases of harassed husbands who are denied ‘sex by the wife on some pretext
or the other.
The other important factor is greediness by some persons
i.e. demand for dowry etc. and other valuables from the wife’s parents
including demand for separate House/ flat etc.
In astrology, the Moon is controller of mind and persons
born with weak Lagan and weak Moon are swayed by others instigating relations
instigating the divorce/ separation. The cases of dower deaths as per paper
reports are well known. (see the horoscope below).
The need for keeping home for happiness and prosperity
cannot be over-emphasized but we need to educate the couples to ensure their
mental attitude and the right way and no hurried steps by taken.
In this horoscope, the native was born on 16.09.1969 and
married in may, 1991. Divorce proceedings granted in February 1999. Ardra Nakstras born
ladies are cruel and normally unhappy married life is indicated unless they
adjust with their unhappy married life is indicated unless they adjust with
their husband. Mars (12th lord) in 7th House itself is sufficient for such an
action. Saturn aspects Lagan and Rahu (seprative planet) aspects the Moon.
Further Mars also aspect Venus in the 2nd House (another House for marital
life). Jupiter/ Mercury could not save the divorce on account of the Sun
(another planet responsible for separation). Ketu in turn aspect the planet of
destiny Saturn.
Now, we give below some of the important principles. Various
reasons of separation or divorce between husband and wife have been detailed
above and now we to in age have astrologically.

In judging the horoscope the basic rule of “Seprative
Influence” is to be analyzed which gives a clear view of its influences,
specially of Rahu.
Sun, Saturn, Rahu and 12th House lord of sing occupied by
these planets are seprative in character, that is to say, these planet cause
separation from or abandonment of the traits of the House etc. which they
influence by association or aspect.
For example, if two or more of the above-mentioned planets
influence the 4th House and its lord, one is forced to leave his home or
country of birth. If they influence 10th House and its lord and Sun, one has to
be separated from the benefits of the ruling powers, viz resigning from
service, termination of service, change in profession etc.
Following combinations may be kept in mind – Ten
  1. Jupiter in 7th
    House generally, even lord of 7th does bestow very unsatisfactory results. He
    causes great disappointments and dissatisfaction in married life. He cause
    undue delay in marriage.
  2. Marital
    disorder may occur seeking separation when Venus is found in kritrika, moola,
    Aridra or jyeshtha Nakshatras. Out of these, keitika is most in-auspicious and
    gives very bad results.
  3. When 7th lord
    is in 6th and afflicted by seprative influence, there may be separation.
    Similarly, when 7th lord or signification joins the 6th lord and is afflicted
    by aspect or conjunction of malefics, similar results are likely. When strong
    Jupiter makes a link with the above combinations in any form, the separation
    may be saved but the husband and wife will experience quarrels.
  4. 6th House
    denotes legal disputes and connection of malefic 6th lord with 7th House, 7th
    lord or signification may result in legal action and separation. Also when 7th
    lord or signification joins 6th House being afflicted by malefic.
  5. When 7th
    House, 7th lord and significations all are afflicted, conjoined associated or
    aspected by malefics, unhappiness in married life is indicated. Significations
    are Venus for males and Mars in case of females.
  6. When Rahu and
    Saturn join Lagan, one is likely to fac4e strife and separation in married
    life. When 7th lord is retrograde and is also afflicted, similar results are
  7. When in female
    chart, Aries or Scorpio Lagan rise and 7th lord is weak, combust, retrograde
    and is also afflicted, she will be abandoned by her husband.
  8. If combination
    of Sun and Mars in either horoscope is in 2nd, 7th or 8th House, it holds out
    excellent prospects for discarding, separation and divorce. It does not
    necessarily involve loss of partner.
  9. To analyze
    marriage, affliction to Venus by situation, association or aspects of malefics
    have an adverse effect on morals. Venus represents the other partner of
  10. When lords of 2nd
    and 7th Houses are in constellation of evil lords, particularly in the
    constellation of 6th lord and are afflicted, there will be separation, divorce,
    litigation etc. between the couple.

Dr. Shanker Adawal
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2 replies on “Married Life, Divorced or Living in separation, Why?”

  • Naresh Kumar Bhutani September 25, 2021 at 10:09 am

    i have done 17 years reserach on marriage there are different planets combinations that disturb our marriage life.

  • Unknown September 25, 2021 at 10:09 am

    DATE OF BIRTH: 24TH JAN 1990

    THANK YOU !!!!

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