Lord of 9th Bhava if in Various Houses


First – Fortunate, respect by Govt. good manners, good morals, handsome.

Second – Learned popular, wealthy, lusty and has happiness in regard to family and children.

Third – Happy relations with brothers and sisters, wealthy, clever, good manners. It will be noted that third house is a dusthana; but Lord of 9th gives results in this house, firstly because he is the lord of a very auspicious house and secondly because he aspects the 9th house (his own house) from this position making it powerful.

Fourth – Comforts of houses, lands and conveyances, happiness in respect of mother.
Fifth – Good children, native devoted to his preceptor (Guru), good morals, religious minded, learned, respected, famous and wealthy.
Sixth – Fluctuating fortunes, not having good terms with maternal relations, troubled by enemies.
Seventh – Good gains after marriage, learned, famous.
Eighth – Unfortunate in every respect. This is the worst position for the lord of the 9th; as 8th is 12 th to 9th and is, therefore, the house of loss for the 9th.
Ninth – (Own house) – very fortunate, gets all he wants. If 9th may be in a movable sign he may go abroad and earn wealth, name fame there also. Has long lived and prosperous father. In this position, the lord of 9th causes a powerful Raja-yoga.
Tenth – Becomes king or like a king or minister, Prime Minister, President, a high Govt. official, a very successful businessman. This disposition also gives rise to a powerful Raja-yoga.
Eleventh – Gains always, devoted and obedient to elders and his Guru but cleve,r charitable.
Twelfth – Unfortunate, spends lavishly on good causes and thereby becomes poor (there are many examples of peoples who give all their wealth for charitable purposes). It will be noted that 12th being 4th from 9th, the father of the nativef is also represented.
Ninth Bhava (House) – Represents lonliness, righteousness, preceptor, grandchildren, metaphysical studies, imagination and intuition, religious devotion, law, sympathy, philosophy, science and literature, lasting leadership, charities, communication with spirits, ghosts and the like, long journeys, foreign travels and father. Faith, wisdom, divine workship, and fortune. Saturn owns two signs namely Capricorn and Acquarius in the horoscope of any native. Broadly, it controls 1/6th of population. When the aspects of Saturn are taken into consideration (Saturn has 3rd, 7th bhagya), meditation, forethought, places of worship, charity, sacrifices, teaching, dharma, long journeys, sea and air travel, highter education, foreign travel, knees. If the weak Moon occupies the 9th in a debilitated state or Venus is bad and occupies evil conjunctions or it the lord of the 9th is debilitated, the native will be guilty of improper relations with his preceptor’s wife. If the 9th House is occupied by benefics and the lord of the 9th combines with no malefics, the person rests contented with his own wife. If the lord of 9th is in the 8th or any moveable sign, the child will be born when father is not in the place. If the lord of the 9th joins the Navamsa of Jupiter, the person becomes righteously inclined and charitable in disposition. If the 9th House is occupied by Venus, Ketu and the Sun, proficiency in miscellaneous subjects is to be predicted; Ketu in the 9th makes a man interested in mesmerism. If the lord of 9th is in the 4th aspected by Saturn, the person will be charitable in disposition, but irritable in temperament. If the lord of 1st and the 9th are powerful and the Sun is aspected by benefics, the native will be obedient and dutiful to his father. If the lord of 9th is in quadrants or in trines, the person becomes well acquainted with metaphysical lore provided such a combination has the aspect of Jupiter or Jupiter is in a Kendra. If Rahu and Saturn occupy the 9th and otherwise badly situated, the person will be cold-hearted, engaged in inflicting miseries and injuries on innocent people and quite unsympathetic. Mars and Ketu in the 9th with Jupiter in the 2nd, and Mercury, the Sun and Venus in the 5th, the 6th and the 7th respectively, make the man very rich. If the lord of the Ascendant joins the 9th or aspects its lord and if Jupiter occupies an exalted position, the person will be highly learned in mystical philosophy. If the lords of the Ascendant and the 9th are combined or are in mutual aspect or in mutual Kendras’ one will have foreign travels.
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