LIBRA – The Scales

September 24 – October 23

OF UNDOUBTED Babylonian origin and later adopted by the Egyptians. The constellation governing this month was connected with the Babylonian myth of The Last Judgment, which would reputably take place in the autumn; the scales, therefore, represents the balance of justice. It also suited the Egyptian season, the time when the harvest would be weighed and taxes assessed.

Librans, traditionally, are easy going people, sociable and outgoing, ready to make friends, loving harmony and balance in everything and anxious to avoid any kind of unpleasantness. Gandhi’s gospel of non-violence was a direct result of his nature. Librans are charmers and dislikes a fight, but once involved, they are master-strategists and show a ruthlessness that seems almost foreign to their natures.

Librans are idealists, perfectionists, ever seeking harmony and balance. If they have a fault, it is that they sometimes `sit on the fence’ or change their minds. Indeed, Librans have to guard themselves against a lazy streak in their nature. Their very desire for harmony leads them not to want `to rock the boat’ in case they upset the balance of things; which leads to inactivity and indecision. They make good artists, poets, diplomats and connoisseurs of beautiful things.

Librans women are loaded with sex appeal and if they fail to make it in the acting profession, can always do well as beauty specialists, hairdressers or other jobs demanding a need for balance and harmony.


Midnight – 8 a.m.: A year to play it safe in most directions. Try not to be led off at a tangent from your main purposes. You tend to be too much preoccupied with the personal side of your life and with personal satisfactions rather than the need to secure your material wants.

8 a.m. – 4 p.m.: You may find it hard to take, but you simply have to adapt yourself to other people. The resignation of a colleague may open new paths for you, if you show the right tact and diplomacy. Social life active, with the accent on the outdoors.

4 p.m. – midnight: Romantic omens good with promise of an active love life, especially in August and September. Few money problems. Travel prospects good for all those with artistic leanings, but watch your health if abroad. Lucky day: Sunday, Number: 3.


Midnight – 8 a.m.: A strong alliance you have built up with a colleague or associate is suddenly broken and you are forced to search around for new allies. August and September could be critical months for your future. Domestic and social life fairly harmonious with a surprise in May.
8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Take care of your health, particularly if you plan a trip overseas. You are especially prone to infections and local `bugs’. May and September are your happiest months. Possibility of a surprise romance. Favorable aspects in money matters.

4 p.m. – midnight: Try not to pin too much reliance on other people – remember most are preoccupied with No.1. You will be disappointed by the lack of help from someone you have come to rely on. You will pass through a mildly anxious financial phase in October and November. Lucky day: Thursday, Number: 6.


Midnight – 8 a.m.: Likely to be a turbulent year from the emotional point of view but pretty good for all business or financial aspects. Changes in your circle of acquaintances. You are likely to be asked to chair a committee or play a prominent role in some group activity.
8 a.m. – 4 p.m. A pleasant social life with a considerable degree of conviviality and perhaps more than your fair share of romantic interludes. Financially, not so good; indeed, the best you can hope for is to keep abreast of commitments.

4 p.m. – midnight: A certain strain between yourself and those in your intimate circle due to a misunderstanding and allegations of lack of help when needed. Social life suffers; but other aspects are sound and cause little anxiety. Lucky day: Wednesday, Number: 9.


Midnight – 8 a.m.: You cannot help finding life enjoyable; you have plenty of friends and there always seems to be a good deal doing. The only difficulty is insufficient money and you will have to learn to be more economical.

8a.m. – 4 p.m.: If you gamble, you will lose. However, investment in shares or in property – provided you take sound advice first – will pay off handsomely. Socially, you are jolted out of your comfortable rut, but in the end you will be pleased.

4 p.m. – midnight: A more than average number of excellent opportunities – provided you do not let them go to your head. Curb your enthusiasm and think carefully before taking action. A happy family event in the autumn. Lucky day: Monday, Number: 4.


Midnight – 8 a.m.: A year when you will do a lot better for yourself than for some time past; however, gains will only come through careful planning and judicious action, so you cannot afford to sit back and rely on luck alone. Socially, you have more money to enjoy yourself but less time, in fact, to do so.

8 a.m. – 4 p.m.: Two good periods this year – one in October and the other in November. You could make substantial sums at these times. Favorable charges in personal affairs in April and August. A particularly happy year for those who are single and hoping to marry.

4 p.m. – midnight: A tendency to complacency will have to be curbed. You tend to take too many people and too many things for granted; this could boomerang against you, particularly in early April. Best feature of the year: new friends. Lucky day: Friday, Number: 2.


Midnight – 8 a.m.: If you have been having a rough time, now is the time for optimism. Everything slowly tends to move your way, provided you are not too proud to seek assistance where necessary. Social life will be mainly restricted to your present intimate circle, but remains harmonious.

8 a.m. – 4 p.m.: Not a year for big events. The pace is even and the enjoyable moments quiet and gentle rather than hectic; this, actually, seems to be to your liking. The exception is during your holidays when you cut loose. Romance pretty feverish during July and August.

4 p.m. – midnight: Watch for opportunities during your peak months – April and November. On the whole a good year, with a slight trough during May through September. Leisure activities provide intellectually refreshing moments. Lucky day: Saturday, Number: 1.


Midnight – 8 a.m.: The first six months provide more than their fair share of irritations, complications and mishaps. But the second half of the year more than makes up. The opposite sex proves friendly and amenable, particularly during July.

8 a.m. – 4 p.m.: Danger you will find yourself sandwiched between quarrelling sections of your friends or colleagues. Try and step outside the scene and let them get on with it. Social life at a standstill during the spring – but very active from June on.

4 p.m. – midnight: Bad weather, strikes, rising living costs etc. cause havoc in the good-temper and spirit of your home. Try and take a more objective view and do not blame your spouse of some trade unionist’s selfishness. Social life restricted. Lucky day: Monday, Number: 5.


Midnight – 8 a.m.: Financially, you will find the going harder than you are used to. You are never in any trouble but irritatingly you find it difficult to add to your income, while all around you, others are getting big increase. Social life suffers.

8 a.m. – 4 p.m.: The big event of the year is a wedding in your immediate family or among close friends. Otherwise, a stodgy run-of-the-mill year. Finances slow, and for the single, little hope of a change in status.

4 p.m. – midnight: Keep your mind firmly fixed on major issues this year. You cannot stand still; you must either rise or go down slightly – but hard work, tact and watchfulness will see you get on. Plenty of light entertainment, but you may feel a lack of intellectual stimulus. Lucky day: Thursday, Number: 7.


Midnight – 8 a.m.: Your profits, as well as your pleasures, depend largely on people overseas. Business may take you abroad in May and September, with good results, and enhanced pleasure at making new friends. You are lucky with money; less lucky with home life.

8a.m. – 4p.m.: A busy year, on the whole satisfying and stimulating, with average financial results. Your personal life seems to involve you in more work with associations, drama circles, parent-teacher groups, community or charitable projects. You could be involved in an indiscreet romance in the autumn.

4 p.m. – midnight: A fairly quiet year, with busy spurts in February and again in October. You revive old interests and associations and spend more time than usual at clubs or gatherings of people with the same business interests. Love life only averagely active. Lucky day: Monday, Number: 9.


Midnight – 8 a.m.: Stick to what you are doing now and you are likely to secure far better results than you anticipated. Past work may not seem to have been much appreciated at the time, but you will see the results now. Business success increases your social desirability.

8 a.m. – 4 p.m.: Fairly contradictory signs. For instance, travel will be safe and enjoyable – provided you do not go far; but there appear to be hazards connected with long journeys. The same theme affects your business and social life – splendid periods, particularly in February, May and November, alternatig with dullish to bad patches mainly in January, September and October.

4 p.m. – midnight: If things go wrong in the early part of the year, keep calm; by August or September, the clouds will begin to break. Happy domestic life with real chance of a family addition. Lucky day: Wednesday, Number: 1.


Midnight – 8 a.m.: You are in the early stages of a seven year cycle which will give you every opportunity to expand and make your whole life more varied and rewarding. Economic factors outside your control may dull your progress in the autumn but this is a temporary setback.

8 a.m. – 4 p.m.: Use your brains and ingenuity and learn not to be too complacent so far as colleagues or associates are concerned; remember that however friendly, they are still competitors. In June you will be faced with a situation where you will have to assert yourself – it may be embarrassing, but your option is to fall behind.

4 p.m. – midnight: A physically and mentally exhausting phase from May to October. Pay careful attention to diet and regime, find time for more exercise and try to avoid stress and strain. Lucky day: Tuesday, Number: 4.


Midnight – 8 a.m.: Excellent prospects of good relationships with sweethearts or marriage partners. For the single, possibility of an important conquest in March. Holiday prospects better than average. Finances fair to good.

8 a.m. – 4 p.m.: Chance of a real financial breakthrough this year. The first step may be a big gambling win or some successful investment in shares or property – more likely shares. You have the Midas touch most markedly in June.

4 p.m. – midnight: An important year for single girls between 19 and 21; chance of meeting a life-mate very strong, particularly in June, August and September. The self-employed will make good money. Lucky day: Sunday, Number: 1.


Midnight – 8 a.m.: If single and eligible to marry, then it is certain you will get engaged or be married before the year is out. If not courting or in touch with the right persons, make an effort to join clubs or organizations frequented by members of the opposite sex.

8 a.m. – 4 p.m.: Possibility of above average household expenses – probably on repairs and decorations, but equally involving a complete change of residence. Money tight because your mortgage interest rate may rise, or insurance premiums increase.

4 p.m. – midnight: Between February and June you may link up with a person of outstanding personality and ability; this person is likely to have a marked influence on you. You will find new interests and new friends. Lucky day: Monday, Number: 3.


Midnight – 8 a.m. A pretty topsy-turvy year, with everything going pretty much against your expectations. Your ambitions and outlook will probably change radically. Young men in the 23-25 age bracket, are likely to find a life partner.

8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Conditions tend to be, on the whole, disappointing. Still, you will enjoy a great deal of satisfaction with most aspects of your job and your leisure activities will make life extremely pleasant.

4 p.m. – midnight: September to November will be critical months for girls in their early twenties. A real possibility of an engagement. A good year for most leisure activities, with possibility of enhanced prestige through winning an important competition. Lucky day: Saturday, Number: 9.


Midnight – 8 a.m.: Wiser to put off important decision affecting domestic and family situations, in the hope that there might be a dramatic change. It will be necessary to curtail expenses. Otherwise, a harmonious year.

8 a.m. – 4 p.m.: Most of your troubles this year center on domestic and family problems. It is a critical time for offspring particularly. Some reassessment of finances and how they are being spent may become necessary.

4 p.m. – midnight: You will be forced to reappraise your position pretty strongly. Are you properly insured? Are your investments giving the proper returns ? Are you spending too much on luxuries? The year ends with your finances on a sounder basis. Lucky day: Thursday, Number: 1.


Midnight – 8 a.m.: Good time for dealing with long-term investments – such as in land or property. Possibility that a spare-time job will be worth expanding into a full-time activity. Your social life hits a dull patch during February and March, but suddenly improves around June.

8 a.m. – 4 p.m.: You find it easy to attract goodwill and to influence people, and your personal popularity rises continually. Money will flow towards your more readily than for the past two years. Your enhanced status will be reflected in a more active social life.

4 p.m. – midnight: Your marriage partner is more demanding and you fret under the restrictions and demands of matrimony. Too often you feel sorry for yourself, most of the time without real justification. For the single, a romance is full of unstable qualities. Lucky day: Monday, Number: 9.


Midnight – 8 a.m. Happiness impossible unless you learn to recognize your own frailties as well as those in others. From June you will have to accept some limitation on your wishes and ambitions and recognize that your failures are not necessarily due to other people’s malice.

8 a.m. – 4 p.m.: Single people involved in deep-felt romance, will find the going bumpy. Possibility of a break in the relationship unless real tolerance and acknowledgement of personal faults is demonstrated. Few money or business problems.

4 p.m. – midnight: Other people seem stiffer, colder, more antagonistic. The world of business offers stiffer competition and you find associates or workmates harder and harder to please. Few money difficulties, however. Lucky day: Tuesday, Number: 7.


Midnight – 8 a.m.: Likely to be a time of gradual emergence into a warmer atmosphere; of developing strong ties of friendship; of receiving first-class support in your efforts to express your talents or personality. An older relative may help financially.

8 a.m. – 4 p.m.: Seek out older and more conservative friends and social acquaintances for advice; you will probably need some assistance in the autumn when economic circumstances are at their tightest. Social life active, but sometimes depressing.

4 p.m. – midnight: People, friends, colleagues seem to move further and further from your orbit and in your preoccupation with your own satisfactions and ambitions, you tend to do nothing to half the slide. By November, you may feel a pressing need to reverse this trend. Lucky day: Sunday, Number: 8.


Midnight – 8 a.m.: Some worry about finances and health – although there is nothing seriously wrong with either. Possibility of a gift, inheritance or windfall, will help to put your financial affairs on a sounder footing. For the single, a new romance goes smoothly and the auguries are good.

8 a.m. – 4 p.m.: A gradual easing of pressures and less need to push your ambitions. On the other hand, long suppressed feelings and emotions may begin welling to the surface to cause havoc and perhaps embarrassment in your family circle. Need to keep a tight rein.

4 p.m. – midnight: A period of great social activity between April and September, following a major or series of substantial minor triumphs at work or business. Women over 40 will find the year extremely harmonious, with plenty of club activities and outings. Lucky day: Friday, Number: 9.


Midnight – 8 a.m.: Fever pressure on business. More time, therefore, for leisure activities. Women with families almost grown up will find themselves being invited to join groups, organizations and clubs. Windfall possible in September.

8 a.m. – 4 p.m.: Harassing time for young parents; business or work a hard slog with money reward slow to materialize; and for the mother, little time to enjoy little luxuries or social life. Holiday plans liable to be upset at the last moment.

4 p.m. – midnight: Scarcely the best of years. You are able to keep afloat well enough, but outside pressures – such as strikes and squeezes – do nothing to help you. Domestic expenditures heavy and you have anxieties about how to economize. Lucky day: Thursday, Number: 6.


Midnight – 8 a.m.: A good chance of stepping up the ladder of progress. You will be asked to accept greater responsibility and have to work longer hours. Compensations; a happier domestic background or, for the single, a more expansive social field.

8 a.m. – 4 p.m.: For lovers, romance will remain on tender hooks as a series of small misunderstandings and irritations puts a strain on the relationship. For the married, October will see difficult relations with your partners. Social life uneven.

4 p.m. – midnight: Your accident-prone months are September and November. Try to avoid journeys of more than 200 miles during this period. Finances gives a little anxiety and some pretty strong economies may be necessary. Lucky day: Wednesday, Number: 4.


Midnight – 8 a.m. Domestic problems to the fore, particularly for those with young or adolescent children. Careful supervision of health and some long and encouraging discussions about careers and opportunities will be well rewarded, even if it takes patience.

4 p.m. – midnight: If mistakes and errors creep into your work, remember that it is the beginning of a new three-year cycle for you. For those under 40, it will mark a period of retrenchment and consolidation prior to a final big push; for those over 40, a phase when they can look forward to less hard work and responsibility.

4 p.m. – midnight: The whole structure of your life and character may be put to the test around March or April. Your weaknesses will be ruthlessly exploited by others and you could give way under the strain. The best antidote is self-discipline and plenty of exercise. Lucky day: Monday, Number: 3.


Midnight – 8 a.m.: A need to conserve all one’s resources – including normal robust health. Times are harder, competition tougher and only the fit individual will continue to do well. Some minor domestic disharmonies.

8 a.m. – 4 p.m.: A change of luck and a change of scene – both quite possible within the next twelve months. Your own plans will probably be upset; but you will be advised to go along with what others suggest.

4 p.m. – midnight: A cold and objective reappraisal of personal relationships will become necessary after May. It may involve dropping an old friend or allying yourself with a different colleague. For the single, September will be extremely romantic. Lucky day: Thursday, Number: 8.


Midnight – 8 a.m.: A year when you must be prepared not to get things your own way or find everything running smoothly. Not all the problems are your fault, but it would be worth re-examining your actions and motives all the same. A romantic interlude of more than usual interest in May.

8 a.m. – 4 p.m.: Fair to middling money prospects – but with no major breakthroughs. On the other hand – pleasant holiday, moments of popularity, plenty of friends, some convivial outings. A good year for all but the ambitious.

4 p.m. – midnight: No use caviling against the fates. The year will be far from disastrous – but you will not make your fortune. Social and romantic prospects excellent, however, with really lively moments in July and August. Lucky day: Tuesday, Number: 2.


Midnight – 8 a.m.: A time to guard one’s health and take every measure to preserve one’s material possessions. The wrong time to spend more than is absolutely essential; instead, a phase when you must save and conserve for the right moment.

8 a.m. – 4 p.m.: A sense of discouragement and defeat must be guarded against; remember that even the most successful men have their down periods. For women over 40, a time for tolerance and understanding.

4 p.m. – midnight: Your creative mind will be actively employed on new ideas between October and November; you will then find it necessary to capture the interest of people who can forward your ambitions in practical terms. A pleasant invitation in late May or early June. Lucky day: Saturday, Number: 4.


Midnight – 8 a.m.: March to late September will provide some memorable moments and you must savour and live them to the full. Push other thoughts and ideas out of your head and enjoy yourself absolutely. Plenty of time later to worry and fret about life.

8 a.m. – 4 p.m.: A good to excellent year for most under 30. In particular, a romantic year for girls between 17 and 19; prospects of a very deep attachment. Plenty of vivid, exhilarating moments with good stretches of contentment and happiness as an alternative to those over 40.

4 p.m. – midnight: A light slowing down of progress. More obstacles to overcome; more need to persuade others that you have the right ideas and the capacity to put them into operation. Plenty of lively companionship and your share of romance. Lucky day: Thursday, Number: 9.


Midnight – 8 a.m.: Possibility of a continuing drain on resources – particularly on your vitality. A real need to discipline any little over-indulgence and slackness; to reorganize your present balance of work and leisure, so that you get more exercise outdoors.

8 a.m. – 4 p.m.: An excellent year for young girls aged 19-24. You are much in demand and you are likely to be invited to a very glamorous occasion in early June by somebody you admire. Finances easy, but investment opportunities limited.

4 p.m. – midnight: A need to conserve resources continues. Watch reckless or unnecessary expenditures; try and get things properly organized by working out time, work, money schedules and budgets. Worth consulting experts such as accountants or your bank manager. Lucky day: Monday, Number:8.


Midnight – 8 a.m.: Social pleasures, good companions and friends and loved ones and involvement in-group activities, make this a happy and pleasant year. A jarring note in September when a quarrel or personal attack on you will cause bitterness. A happy family event.

8 a.m. – 4 p.m.: A special invitation in May will change all your routines and your entire outlook on life. Be prepared to take advantage of new circumstances. Benefits through generous friends. Very good chance of a journey to an exotic place, with a chance to meet glamorous people.

4 p.m. – midnight: Even without a career, plenty of opportunities to extract satisfaction from what you do. Colleagues, friends, and family all show their respect and liking for you. Popularity increases as a result of your leisure skills. Lucky day: Tuesday, Number: 5.


Midnight – 8 a.m.: Finances now under especially good auspices. A time to sit down and concentrate upon joint funds, savings, insurances and investments. Money likely to come to you through a marriage partner.

8 a.m. – 4 p.m.: A fairly considerable crisis for you in early November. A very worrying and anxious time – but if you keep a cool head and refuse to panic, you drive through the difficulties successfully. Those with daughters in the 19-22 age bracket will have wedding expenses.

4 p.m. – midnight: A good time in the first six months for solving all marital problems, for dealing direct with the public, for going to law, for joining associations or groups or activities of a similar nature. A propitious period for marriage. Lucky day: Thursday, Number: 3.


Midnight – 8 a.m.: On the whole, a good year, with several moments when you will feel right on top of the world. Promotion or other mark of recognition likely in the early summer. Good holiday and travel prospects, with hilarious moments in July and August.

8 a.m. – 4 p.m.: A year for relaxing and enjoying some of the fruits of your efforts over the past five years. Chance to indulge a long cherished hobby, such as fishing or yachting. A wedding in the family a near certainty between May and September.

4 p.m. – midnight: A good year for housewives, particularly those between 25 and 35. Prospects of a new house or flat in delightful surroundings. Problems connected with children’s schooling and the like, solved satisfactorily. Husband happy in his work. Lucky day: Tuesday, Number: 6.

Shanker Adawal


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