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I General:
1 The AV analysis is subordinate to promise in a horoscope and D/AD: These must be seen first before using AV interpretation given below.
2 SAV Bindus:
a) 30 Bindus or more – full manifestation.
b) 28 – average results.
c) <28 – adverse results.
d) 11 H from any planet get higher 6-7 bindus therefore, transit of planet in 11 H from natal – good.
e) Alternately, when 3H from a sign is with many planets – sign/ bhava AV wise powerful.
3 A planet with lesser bindu in sign is ineffective even of exalted/OH /FH/upchaya and a planet with high bindu in 6/8 /12H, EH/debilitated gives powerful results.
4 The deficiency of bindus is compensated by presence of benefics and high bindu results are reduced by presence of malefics and vice-versa.
5 9,10,11H bindu:
a) >30: prosperous.
b) <25: disease, poverty, and servant.
c) <21: beggar – malefic transit – annihilation of Bhava.
6 Bindu of 11H > 10H; 12 H <11H;& Lag> 11H – material happiness / prosperous.
7 Quantum Jump: 11H bindu >>10H. Sudden fall in opposite case. Similarly, in respect of significations of other houses in these circumstances.
8 SAV wise high bindu in 11th from any Bhava is good for that Bhava.
9 Weak and sign lord with less – 22 bindus and aspected by – afflicted with evil spirits (Rahu’s aspect confirm).
10 Planets associated with high bindu signs by ownership or position give good results in D/AD. For accuracy, BAV of DL is also considered.
11 Number of Bindus in Lagna gives age after which one acquires a conveyance, royal favour, riches and sons provided appropriate combination exists in horoscope.
12 Auspicious combinations:
a) LL-4L and both with 32 bindus – acquisition of ministership and wealth.
b) Lagna, 4H and 11H with more than 30 bindus – acquisition of personal magnetism and great fortune after 40th year.
c) 4H and 9H with 25-30 bindus – acquire riches 28 year end or afterwards.
d) with 40 bindus exalted in 4H, in Lagna and in Aries – Kingship or ruler.
e) At the age of bindus in signs of and one will enjoy wealth, fame and children; have marriage and material happiness; and acquire education, honour and fame.
13 According as 8H is occupied by Rahu, or the native is likely to be poisoned, undergo surgical treatment or suffer miseries and ill health at the age given by the bindus of concerned planet’s sign.
II SAV-Use-good/bad period & direction:
1 Highest sum of bindu of group of signs for a direction (E: 1,5,9; S: 2,6,10; W: 3,7,11; N: 4,8,12) – direction in which he will prosperous.
2 Section of life:
a) Sum of bindus in group of signs;
i) Pisces to Gemini : Childhood
ii) Cancer to Libra : Youth
iii) Scorpio to Aquarious : Old age
b) Alternately, three sections (from 1H to 4H; 5H to 8H and 9H to 12H) from Lagna i.e. in the section corresponding to the highest bindus.
c) Benefic occupation reduce bad effects of less bindus and malefic reduce good effects of high bindus and vice-versa.
3 Malefic transit – evil over remainder R – Nak. No. counted from Ashwini; quotient Q- the age:
a) (Sum of bindu from Lag. To or) x 7/27
b) (Sum of bindu from or to Lag.) x 7/27
Shanker Adawal
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