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Nation Election – A Study
Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBADoctorate in Agriculture and MBA
The elections are synonymous with tussles and tensions and this is predominant when there is a collation government and regional parties are seen to be playing a dominant role.
In the analysis I have tried to capture and done a comprehensive examination looking at various facets of Astrology and than have reached to a judgment. Briefly, I have analyzed the Nation’s horoscope, the Hindu New Year Chart of 2006, Congress-I horoscope, BJP’s horoscope and the indications shown in the horoscopes of Shrimati Sonia Gadhi, Ms. Jaya Lalitha, Shri Mulayam Singh Yadav, Ms Mayawati and Shri Budh Deba Bhattacharya.
Horoscope of the Nation
Birth Chart India Independent – Fri Aug 15, 1947 00:00:00
Place of Birth : Delhi, India
By rotating Jupiter, as per Bhrigu Nadi System, Jupiter is in the 10th House and its depositor is in the 6th with other planets and thus the 12 year period from the 48th year of independence, till the 60th year will be a period of great changes and steady progress of which I am not going in detail.
Critical transits in this year
2. Saturn and Ketu get conjunct in Leo in November 2006.
The Saturn and Ketu conjunction if we look at past events have in the earlier periods brought about changes. The Saturn and Ketu conjunction takes place in the 4th House which denotes the crown and in the present context it could be the central government of the Nation.
The net result of the Dasha – Bhukti, rotated Jupiter and the impact of Saturn Mars in June coupled with Saturn and Ketu joining in Leo in November 2006 will pose a threat to the Central government as a result of emerging equations after the Assembly polls. There will also be violence in the coming months and more so during the month of June and thereafter from November 2006, there will be stern actions to be taken for control. These actions would be taken by the Centre and in a planned and effective manner.
Birth Chart Year Hindu New – Mar 29, 2006 15:45:09
Time zone : 05:30:00
Place of Birth : Delhi, India
Long : 77E28:00 Lat: 28N39:00
This year, therefore, would not be a smooth sailing year. The year also indicates violence and major unexpected changes.
The Lagna Lord being in 8th House also has its advantages as it will signify prestige for the country. Ketu in 2nd House would ensure money from abroad and the focus would be on things which are under the earth, like gas, petrol, minerals, oil etc. – significators of 8th House. The tensions as explained above would be because of the Lagnesh falling in the 8th House.
Birth Chart Congress-I
Mon Jan 2, 1978 11:59:00
Time zone : 05:30:00
Place of Birth : Delhi, India
Long : 77E28:00 Lat: 28N39:00
The Dasha is of Rahu-Sun upto August 18, 2006. Thereafter, Rahu-Moon. Since the Sun is the 6th Lord and both Rahu and Moon are in the 7th House, it could mean struggle and violence. This is also re-inforced because the transiting Saturn is with the natal Mars and Saturn and Ketu would join the natal Saturn in November.
On rotating Jupiter, it will be in Leo (from 24th to 36th year), with Sun its depositor placed in 5th from its rotating point is an excellent position. It is with Venus, a planet which adds value. Therefore, despite changes, turmoil and violence, the Congress-I, as a party will be in control and hence its prestige at the Centre. Broadly the year 2007 would be better than 2006 and the year 2008, the party needs to take care. 2009 will again be a good year for the party.
This horoscope of Congress-I, I feel, is accurate as it tallies with the lot of events on which I have researched. Further, the time was given by late Shri Kamlapati Tripathi, immediately after a meeting with late Shrimati Indira Gandhi had with her confidants, when she decided on forming a new party. Also, in the above horoscope of Congress-I, one sees the conjunction of Moon and Rahu in the 7th House and with the commencement of Rahu in 1991 its saw the death of Shri Rajiv Gandhi and thereafter, certain losses of other prominent party leaders. The Bhukti of Rahu in the Dasha Mars also saw the untimely death of Shrimati Indira Gandhi. I will leave this subject at this point, but from the above chart of Congress-I, to conclude, though, there will be changes in equations, rise in violence from June onwards and tensions, the party (Congress-I) would remain firmly saddled and would enhance its prestige and stature.
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