Dr. Shanker Adawal
1. Introduction
From time immemorial, people realized the value of money power. People without
money live a life of suffering & penury- unsung, unwept, unhonoured in life
as well as in death. Poverty is a curse that causes hunger, deprivation,
humiliation, subjugation, and many a times degradation of basic human values.
Without money nothing can be achieved in life. On the other hand, money can buy
almost anything/ everything in life except mental happiness and good health.
Saint Valmiki in Ramayana has said, “In this world, wealth is the most
important thing. There is not much difference between a poor and a dead person”,
and that, “All actions done by a poor man of low order dwindle into
nothingness, as the flow of rivulets during summer”.
From time immemorial, people realized the value of money power. People without
money live a life of suffering & penury- unsung, unwept, unhonoured in life
as well as in death. Poverty is a curse that causes hunger, deprivation,
humiliation, subjugation, and many a times degradation of basic human values.
Without money nothing can be achieved in life. On the other hand, money can buy
almost anything/ everything in life except mental happiness and good health.
Saint Valmiki in Ramayana has said, “In this world, wealth is the most
important thing. There is not much difference between a poor and a dead person”,
and that, “All actions done by a poor man of low order dwindle into
nothingness, as the flow of rivulets during summer”.
2. Various yoga:
Planetary combinations
that indicate penury, or awesome living conditions of a person are given in
succeeding Para in alphabetical order.
that indicate penury, or awesome living conditions of a person are given in
succeeding Para in alphabetical order.
Apkeerati Yoga:
Apkeerati Yoga:
This yoga is formed when
10th house is occupied by Sun & Saturn, who should occupy
malefic Navamsha or be aspected by malefics, but no benefic influence.
Alternately afflicted 6th lord in 10th house causes
similar effects. It brings bad name, scandal or setback to reputation of the
10th house is occupied by Sun & Saturn, who should occupy
malefic Navamsha or be aspected by malefics, but no benefic influence.
Alternately afflicted 6th lord in 10th house causes
similar effects. It brings bad name, scandal or setback to reputation of the
Asubhmala Yoga:
Asubhmala Yoga:
When all benefics occupy
Trika houses, this yoga arises. Such a native will incur heavy expenses, be
unhappy, unholy and will be engaged in unsocial activities.
Trika houses, this yoga arises. Such a native will incur heavy expenses, be
unhappy, unholy and will be engaged in unsocial activities.
Asura Yoga:
Asura Yoga:
When Jupiter or Venus or
both occupy 8th house and are afflicted, Asura yoga is caused. The
yoga is more malefic, if the planet is debilitated or retrograde. Such natives
are mean, selfish, back-biter, spoil others’ work, do vile acts, be miserable
but have a long life.
both occupy 8th house and are afflicted, Asura yoga is caused. The
yoga is more malefic, if the planet is debilitated or retrograde. Such natives
are mean, selfish, back-biter, spoil others’ work, do vile acts, be miserable
but have a long life.
The native was a senior
officer in excise department. His Janam
lagna is weak as it is at is on Rasi-sandhi
and in Rahu-Ketu axis. Hence let us see the chart from Moon lagna, which also
happens to be Arudha lagna. 8th
house from it, is occupied by Jupiter & Venus and is aspected by Rahu
causing Asurayoga. While 2nd & 6th house is aspected
by Saturn, denoting involvement in corrupt practices. The 11th house
from Janam lagna, Moon lagna and Arudha lagna are afflicted confirming
the corrupt nature of the native. The native is extremely crooked at heart and
even cheats his own relatives/ friends. He was caught red-handed taking bribe
during Saturn- Venus dasha in 1997 and was suspended from service.
officer in excise department. His Janam
lagna is weak as it is at is on Rasi-sandhi
and in Rahu-Ketu axis. Hence let us see the chart from Moon lagna, which also
happens to be Arudha lagna. 8th
house from it, is occupied by Jupiter & Venus and is aspected by Rahu
causing Asurayoga. While 2nd & 6th house is aspected
by Saturn, denoting involvement in corrupt practices. The 11th house
from Janam lagna, Moon lagna and Arudha lagna are afflicted confirming
the corrupt nature of the native. The native is extremely crooked at heart and
even cheats his own relatives/ friends. He was caught red-handed taking bribe
during Saturn- Venus dasha in 1997 and was suspended from service.
Bhikshuka (beggar) Yoga:
Bhikshuka (beggar) Yoga:
This yoga is formed when
Moon is in lagna, Saturn in Kendra and Jupiter is in 12th house or
Moon is aspected by malefics and is devoid of any benefic aspect. Alternately
lagna is occupied by Saturn & Rahu and 10th house is vacant.
Such a native will be a beggar or of slave mentality.
Moon is in lagna, Saturn in Kendra and Jupiter is in 12th house or
Moon is aspected by malefics and is devoid of any benefic aspect. Alternately
lagna is occupied by Saturn & Rahu and 10th house is vacant.
Such a native will be a beggar or of slave mentality.
Chor (Thief) Yoga:
Chor (Thief) Yoga:
The following planetary
combinations denotes thievish nature of anative:
combinations denotes thievish nature of anative:
i) A
morbid compulsion of theft/ robbery is indicated if lords of 4th or
12th is posited in 3rd or 8th lord is posited
in 2nd house.
morbid compulsion of theft/ robbery is indicated if lords of 4th or
12th is posited in 3rd or 8th lord is posited
in 2nd house.
The 4th lord is in 6th or Mercury is conjunct with Mars
in 4th house.
The 4th lord is in 6th or Mercury is conjunct with Mars
in 4th house.
Ketu or Gullika is posited in
Navamsha of Atmakaraka planet.
Ketu or Gullika is posited in
Navamsha of Atmakaraka planet.
Sun, Mars & Mercury are in 7th house aspected by Moon by any
Tajika aspect, makes one a top brand thief.
Sun, Mars & Mercury are in 7th house aspected by Moon by any
Tajika aspect, makes one a top brand thief.
The native has been frequently changing his jobs
as can be seen on double affliction on 10th lord Mars. The native
has 8th lord Mercury in 2nd houses. Saturn (R) aspects
Mars in 11th, 4th lord Venus in 3rd and 6th
lord Moon in 6th house. This gave native thievish nature and he has
involved in minor thefts. During Venus-Saturn, once he has been put behind bars
as can be seen on double affliction on 10th lord Mars. The native
has 8th lord Mercury in 2nd houses. Saturn (R) aspects
Mars in 11th, 4th lord Venus in 3rd and 6th
lord Moon in 6th house. This gave native thievish nature and he has
involved in minor thefts. During Venus-Saturn, once he has been put behind bars
Dainya Yoga:
Dainya Yoga:
These are a group of 30 yoga/ combination of
miseries, which results when:
miseries, which results when:
6th lord exchanges place with lord of lagna, 2nd, 3rd,
4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th,
10th, 11th or 12th house (11 yoga); or
6th lord exchanges place with lord of lagna, 2nd, 3rd,
4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th,
10th, 11th or 12th house (11 yoga); or
The 8th lord exchanges place with lord of lagna, 2nd, 3rd,
4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th,
11th, or 12th house (10 yoga); or
The 8th lord exchanges place with lord of lagna, 2nd, 3rd,
4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th,
11th, or 12th house (10 yoga); or
The 12th lord exchanges place with lord of lagna, 2nd, 3rd,
4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th,
or 11th house (09 yoga).
The 12th lord exchanges place with lord of lagna, 2nd, 3rd,
4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th,
or 11th house (09 yoga).
The above 30 yoga results
from exchanges of various house lords with the lord of Trika houses. These
lords spoil the houses whose lords they associate with. These combinations lead
to a pulling down weight for luck & prosperity, commit sinful/ foolish
actions, will revile others, tormented by enemies, makes the mind unsteady, and
interrupts in various undertakings.
from exchanges of various house lords with the lord of Trika houses. These
lords spoil the houses whose lords they associate with. These combinations lead
to a pulling down weight for luck & prosperity, commit sinful/ foolish
actions, will revile others, tormented by enemies, makes the mind unsteady, and
interrupts in various undertakings.
The native is the father
of Communist Movement in the world. He had 3rd lord Mars exchange
place with 6th lord Moon. The native was born on a solar eclipse
day. His Moon is in close conjunction with 7th lord Sun and Rahu,
indicating loss of vitality and health. He had a very difficult childhood which
is also denoted by 8th lord from Sun, debilitated Mars being sun
sign lord. However his lagna lord Saturn, the planet of labour & mass, is
in lagna causing Sasa Yoga. The Saturn and 2-11th lord Jupiter both
aspected Sun-Moon combination. This made the native a great thinker of
revolutionary tendencies to lead human society into new mode of thought &
of Communist Movement in the world. He had 3rd lord Mars exchange
place with 6th lord Moon. The native was born on a solar eclipse
day. His Moon is in close conjunction with 7th lord Sun and Rahu,
indicating loss of vitality and health. He had a very difficult childhood which
is also denoted by 8th lord from Sun, debilitated Mars being sun
sign lord. However his lagna lord Saturn, the planet of labour & mass, is
in lagna causing Sasa Yoga. The Saturn and 2-11th lord Jupiter both
aspected Sun-Moon combination. This made the native a great thinker of
revolutionary tendencies to lead human society into new mode of thought &
The Dainya yoga is not wholly evil. It puts certain difficulties/
disabilities in the way of success, because of enemy’s actions. There will be
set backs in enterprises. But if other lords are strong & well placed, the
native will be able to overcome his enemies and to dislodge the obstacles. In
Para 4 of chapter 11, “On Parivartan Yoga”, it has already been explained how
if lords of Trikone or 10th house, if strong & well placed,
could deliver good results. Readers are advised to refer the charts of Sh,
Aurobindo Ghosh, Jagdish Chandra Bose, MsManeka and Indira Gandhi, Saddam
Hussain and of LK Advani etc.
disabilities in the way of success, because of enemy’s actions. There will be
set backs in enterprises. But if other lords are strong & well placed, the
native will be able to overcome his enemies and to dislodge the obstacles. In
Para 4 of chapter 11, “On Parivartan Yoga”, it has already been explained how
if lords of Trikone or 10th house, if strong & well placed,
could deliver good results. Readers are advised to refer the charts of Sh,
Aurobindo Ghosh, Jagdish Chandra Bose, MsManeka and Indira Gandhi, Saddam
Hussain and of LK Advani etc.
Shanker Adawal
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