Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Yogas:- Miscellaneous Yoga, Chapter XVI, Part – 4

Dr. Shanker Adawal
7. Sanyas/Pravrajya
This yoga lead to a
renunciation or giving up of the material & worldly attachments. The
ancient Indian tradition did not lay so much stress on achievements at the
material plane as on dissociating one from the temptations of the world.
Normally one gets different shades of renunciation in the pursuit of the
highest Truth to the lowest ones who indulge in the vilest of deeds in the garb
of saintliness. It is not possible to find all parameters of Sanyas in any single native’s chart.
Some of the common combinations of Sanyas
yoga are as under:
When four or more planets with none of them debilitated/ combust,
possessed  of strength occupy a single
benefic houses, a Sanyasi/ Tapaswi is
born. Tapaswi is born. Tapaswi is one who undertakes rigorous/
penance. The nature of Sanyasa
depends upon the strongest planet of the group.
When 10th lord gets involved in the four planet combination in a
Kendra/ Trikone, native takes to Sanyas
and attains emancipation after death.
When mana related parts-4th
house, 4th lord and Moon are afflicted by Saturn and lagna is
related with 9th lord, a true saint is born.
When Jupiter is in 9th house and Saturn aspects Lagna, Moon &
Jupiter, and many Rajyoga are present in the chart, one is like any great
saint/ Rishi and well versed in scriptures.
When Ketu is Present in 9th/ 12th house aspected by
Saturn, Jupiter, 5th & 9th lord (at least two of
these), one attains the final Truth.
When the Moon is posited in Navamsha of Mars or Dreshkon of Saturn in 9th
house and is aspected by Saturn from 7th house.
When 2nd house/ lord (family ties), 4th house/ lord (home
& Mana), and 112th
house (enjoyments) are afflicted by separatist planets Sun, Saturn, Rahu &
12th lord, one embraces Sanyas.
When lords of lagna, 4th, 10th, and Mars are in mutual aspect,
one becomes a sage.
When 9th and 10th lord are exalted and Jupiter &
Saturn occupies Trikones, a great saint is born.
When lagna, 9th & 10th houses or lords are aspected
by Saturn, and 10th lord is posited in an evil house, one attains
spiritual goal.
The native had five
exalted planets. The 9th lord Venus was exalted in mystique sign of
Jupiter (Pisces). The 10th lord Mars was exalted in 12th
house of Moksha. The Lagna- 12th lord Saturn was exalted in 9th
house of Dharma. The 10th house of 10th lord is occupied
by Saturn itself aspected by Jupiter. Both the luminaries are posited in Lagna
in Subha Kartari between exalted 9th and 10th lords.
Karaka for renunciation, Saturn and of Moksha, Ketu are exalted in 9th
& 10th house respectively. In Navamsha, Moon is in sign of Mars
(Aries), aspected by Saturn from Aquarius. All these strong combinations made
him an highly evolved soul, who could awake powers of Kundalini (third eye). He was a great devotee of “Ma Kaali”.
9. Tajika Yogas
These have been covered in
detail in my book on “Tajika Shastra & Annual Horoscopy”, hence are not
being discussed now.
10. Vahan (Conveyance)
Since ancient times one is
keen to have the best, the fastest and the most comfortable conveyances,
whether it is animal driven (of olden times) or motor propelled vehicles of the
modern age. Sometimes, a native, being a high government official, can have
pleasure of conveyance without owning any. The 4th is the primary
house and the Venus is the main Karaka for vehicles and Jupiter for aerial
crafts (like helicopter/ private jets) and of general happiness. Some of the
combinations for this yoga are as under:
lagna lord joins 4th, 9th or 11th house, one
gets happiness from vehicles.
When exalted 4th lord is posited in a Kendra/ Trikone.
iii) If
Venus joins 4th house, one gets ordinary vehicle; but if Venus/ 4th
lord is in 9th/ 11th house, one gets number of good
When Moon conjoins 4th lord in 2nd/ 4th house,
one is blessed with vehicles.
When Jupiter, Moon, and Venus joins 4th lord in Kendras/ Trikones,
one is bestowed with good vehicles.
vi) If
Jupiter or Venus as 4th lord is posited in 9th house,
while 9th lord is in a Kendra/ Trikone, one is blessed with number
of vehicles.
Mercury in his exaltation sign, identical with a Kendra/ Trikone confers
When lords of 9th, 10th & 11th are posited
in 4th house, one gets happiness of vehicles.
When an exalted planet posted in 10th house is aspected by lords of
lagna & 9th, one gets happiness of vehicles.
When 4th lord with Jupiter/ Venus are posited in lagna.
xi) If
Venus is posited in 3rd, 4th, 7th, or 11th
house from Moon.
When 4th lord is in 11th house is aspected by Jupiter/
xiii) If
exalted 12th lord conjoins 2nd lord and is aspected by 9th
The native is a big
industrialist of UP and married locally into a big business family with
handsome dowry. His 7th lord Mars (debilitation cancelled being in a
Kendra from lagna) is digbali in 10th
house in Nakshtra of Yogkaraka Saturn, and aspects lagna, 4th &
5th house, making him very amkbitious. His vargottam Jupiter aspects
7th, 9th & 11th house. 4th lord
Saturn in 11th house is yogkaraka and aspects lagna and Venus
posited therein (causing Malavya
Yoga). Thus there is a clear nexus among lagna, 4th,
10th, and 11th houses. He enjoys Gajkesari yoga in 3rd
– 12th house. Hence they had beautiful dashas of Jupiter &
Saturn. The next dasha of 9th-12th lord exalted Mercury
should also be equally rewarding. Both the native and his wife had a hobby of
owning and enjoying number of latest luxury fleet of cars.

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