Air Crashes – Why? Know Astrologically !

1. Unexpected deaths for many by way of rail/ road or air
accidents is attributed to ruling planets for the day. Be that as it may, mass
deaths are also attributed to Saturn though a friend and a foe but for such
accidents, Saturn is taken and considered to be dreaded planet.
2. For air accidents, the planets responsible are Jupiter
and Venus- both significations of airplanes. In addition, the major role is
played by Saturn and Mars in addition to two Nodes of the Moon i.e. Rahu and
Ketu. The Sun when debilitated and when having no force also plays its part.
Mercury- the Planets of Wings cannot be ignored. In addition, the outer planets
i.e. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto also contribute to such tragedies.

3. The mode of death in personal horoscopes of the victims
can be seen depending on the sign (rasi) of 8th house and position of the 8th
Lord. But this cannot be considered here.
4. The Moon is controller of mind and it is to be seen how
the mind of the pilot is affected at the moment leading to the tragedy.
5. Out of chronology of some major air crashes in India, I
have selected few dates on which ‘Chandra Lagna’ has been prepared as the time
of crash is known. Even otherwise astrologically prepared as the time crash is
not known. Even otherwise, astrologically, predicative notes can be given on
the basis of Lagna (Ascendant- rising sign) or Chandra Kundli or Surya Kundli.
For the purpose of study of air crashes, the Moon has pivotal role to play
being the fastest planet.
6. Normally, such tragedies take place on Saturday or
Tuesday. In the study of various charts given below it would be seen that the
accidents did take place on Saturdays and Tuesdays. Even the accidents on
Monday/ Wednesday may be attributed to Tuesday as the time is not known and in
Hindu Astrology the day/ night is from Sun- rise to Sunset. Even the accident
on Friday may have the shadow of Saturday.
7. From the Charts, in most of the cases, the Moon was in
the sign of Mars or Saturn on the fateful day. It may not be possible to
discuss all the charts (selected dates for few accidents) but a mention is
considered necessary to highlight the rules of astrology.  Rising sign (lagna) ruled by Mars, Mars in
turn inspecting sign of Jupiter and Retrograde Saturn. Sun, Venus, Mercury in 12th
house (an inauspicious house) aspect by Rahu and with Ketu. Further the Sun in
was in debilitation.
8. The rising sign belonged to the planet Mercury but in the
grip of Rahu and Ketu. Venus, Saturn and Mars in 4th house aspect by Jupiter
Retrograde and the Sun had feeble degree in the 6th house sign of Saturn and
Saturn inspecting the Moon, Mars inspecting the signification Jupiter and also
the sign of the Moon in 11th house- left side of the plane.
9. In chart No.10, all malefic influenced the Moon-
controller of mind. Moon in sign of Saturn with Ketu, with Uranus and Neptune
(Retrograde) inter- se aspect by Rahu, Sun and Venus. Here again the Sun was
rising at feeble degree in Nakshtra of Jupiter who was with Saturn. Further
Mars- Mercury combined together in another inauspicious house and Retrograde
Pluto was in 11th house in the sign of Mars.
10. The common features noted are that the Moon was under
affliction, one of the planets specially Jupiter and Saturn was in retrograde
motion, the Sun was weak, and malefic specially Mars and Saturn played their
Dr. Shanker Adawal,
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