Lagna Lord Venus gets to 4th House in the Company of Saturn and Ketu aspected by Rahu. The Sun is debilitated in 6th House. Jupiter is in 7th House and Mercury is in 5th House aspected by Mars. The Moon is in 2nd House with Mars- Moon and Mars are aspected by Rahu.
The Sun shall shift to Scorpio on 17th November, Mercury shifts to Libra On 5th November and then to Scorpio on 28th Nov. Venus the Lagna Lord gets to 5th House (Virgo) on 4th Nov. Mars becomes Retrograde On 15.11.2007 in Gemini and remains in this Position for the month. Jupiter enters own sign Sagittarius on 22.11.2007. Saturn remains in Leo for the Moon.
National resources may be depleted further on account of extra expenditure for providing arms and equipment to the armed forces apart from to Navy and Air-forces personnel.
Saturn would be afflicting houses i.e. 6th, 10th and 1st houses. Evil results with regard to significations of these houses cannot be ruled out i.e. wasteful public expenditure.
Prominent film personalities i.e. actors, actresses, producers/ directors and others connected with film industry, T.V. serials shall be honoured for their outstanding works specially upto 10th Nov. 07.
Women shall keep up their desires to move forward and they shall be given the needed protection in social and professional fields. Stringent laws for harassment of women while in office indicated.
Political discussions, both inside and outside Parliament may have fresh rounds about the educational institutions including the demand for same-type of education for all –Doing away with Public School system, though the plans mooted, may have to be shelved.
Entertainments shall be given to armed forces by some T.V./Film/Music groups.
Temporary stability in politics is indicated but Government shall survive. The Government may have to incur huge expenditure for improvement of hospitals and educational institutions.
New proposals for nationalization of mines/industries may again come for consideration including a fresh thinking on some of Public Sector Undertakings. Disinvestments.
Rahu in the 1st House of India’s Honour can create storm type conditions in the life of various persons specially at the top. Particular and strange events/happenings /mischievous behaviour indicated. However some safety is indicated.
Upto 15th Nov. 2007 al sorts of troubles would be faced including matters for armed forces, territorial attacks (war type), labour problems, municipal services, food supplies, diseases (epidemic) sedition, treason,. secret enemies including underground activities, assassination, imprisonment, bondages, exiled persons , smuggling etc.. Finally, attention to meditation may be drawn asking for unselfish deeds and greatest self-sacrifices.
General disagreement in international affairs and some of the agreements may come for fresh discussion. Some new agreements may be reached for transportation etc. Foreign policy may attract some law suits.
Specific Predictions for November 2007.
Fresh thinking/approach with regard to Kashmir.
Some VIP politicians may have to face court proceedings including denial of bail
Report about stabbing, suicides, fatal deaths, robbery, death by electrical equipments etc. indicated.
A fresh look at the Shipping policy on or about 16th Nov. 2007.
One or two cabinet ministers may have to resign on or about 23rd /24th Nov. 2007 and /problems of Government Staff may figure for discussion.
Reports about illegal activities including smuggling, seizure of heroin, trouble in the Army in South-east, on or about 27th Nov. is indicated.
These are possible indications as per planetary position. The Author, Editor or Astrology – The Soul of All owes no responsibility for any action one may take in any walk of his/her life. Author can be contacted at