Fate Line

Rising from the wrist AA
Rising from the life line BB
Rising from inside the life line CC
Rising from inside the life line on the mount of Venus DD
Rising from the mount of Moon EE
Rising from the line of head FF
Rising from the line of heart GG
Rising from the bracelet HH

Fate line starting from the wrist, a little above the first bracelet

This type of fate line is considered the best if it runs straight up to the mount of Saturn and there is no horizontal line over it. Such a line indicates that the subject will have the promise of a great career. He will climb up till such times as there is no hindrance by way of breaks, cuts and spots over the fate line. If there are no defects in the fate line, the sky is the limit. Persons who started at the lowest rung of their profession and reached the top would have been possessed of this type of fate line.

Further, such a fate line being away from the life line indicates that the subject has not been tied down by unfortunate conditions but has been free to choose his profession. The normal destination of the fate line is the base of the Saturn finger. If it goes beyond the base of the Saturn finger and rise above it to cover the third phalange of Saturn finger, or if it goes further on the second phalange of the Saturn fingers or beyond, it becomes inauspicious as the subject becomes obsessed with achieving his ambition at all cost. Towards this end, he may not hesitate to become a part to crime, which may result in loss of money, prestige and social standing. The subject may even have to go to the gallows or behind the bars. The fate line rising from the wrist and going up to the base of the Saturn finger becomes especially significant if the fate line gets divided into two, one part going to the mount of Saturn (the base of the Saturn finger) and the other proceeding towards the mount of Jupiter (base of the first finger). The latter adds to the financial prosperity of the subject. If the fate line goes right up to the base of the Saturn finger or Jupiter finger, it indicates that accrual of income, in some form or the end of the life of the subject. This income may be in the form of monthly pension, house rent and returns on investments.
Fate line starting from the life line
This type of line is also considered good. Before the starting of the fate line, the subject will lead an ordinary life. With the start of the fate line, the life of the subject will become eventful and take shape according to the future course of the line. If the fate line is clear, distinct and without any obstructions in the form of cross lines, the career/ profession in future will be good, prosperous and rewarding. However, the influence of family members will always play its role in the life of the subject. He may have to sacrifice his comforts and ambitions for the sake of his family. This is applicable both to male as well as female members of the family (sons, daughters), who for the benefit of other kin, whether old parents or younger brothers and sisters, choose not to take up a career/ profession which would keep them away, or they may choose not to get married at the appropriate time or do not get married at all.
Fate line starting from inside the life line
The early years of life may not be comfortable due to parental troubles and the assumption of family responsibilities by the subject.

Fate line rising inside the life from the mount of Venus.
This indicates good fortune but through the assistance of relatives. The members of the family chalk out the subject’s career. Unless the fate line is very clear and strong after it proceeds towards the head line and onward, the subject will not be able to do much of his own accord. Rather, persons who have this type of line, starting from the mount of Venus (mount of sex, passion and sympathy), get entangled in love affairs, especially with those who are already married, and thus have to suffer unhappy consequences.

Fate lines starting from the mount of Moon.

This is also considered good. As the mount of Moon starts in the proximity of the wrist, the benefits start accruing to the subject from early life. Such persons do not have family ties in their early year to hold them back. Rather, they are free from family influence and are able to make a choice of their career/ profession as per circumstances. They enjoy the favor of friends and influential people with whom they come into contact, and so they are able to benefit. If the life line and the head line are apart from each other at the beginning, the Mercury finger is long, going beyond the second phalange of the adjoining finger of Sun, there is a yuva in the centre of thumb, then the good effects of this fate line get strengthened and the subject is able to come up in life mainly on account of his own efforts, hard work, diligence, and through the cooperation of his well- wishers.

There is a view that persons with this fate line come up in life through the support of women. This could be true in certain cases. It can also be construed that such persons come up in life after marriage due to their being blessed with a lucky wife who extends due cooperation to her life partner in giving his best to his career/ profession. Further, the subjects are gifted with intuition and inspirational powers, which enable them to foresee events. They look to the brighter side of everything and inspire people. They are hesitant to spend money on their own comforts, but like to spend money on the members of their family and for social purposes.

Shanker Adawal
www.shankerstudy.com, www.shankarsastro.com

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One reply on “Fate Line”

  • Anonymous September 25, 2021 at 10:09 am

    Thanks for the useful information. I am fully agreed with this. My fate line start from Lima mount and end at saturn finger. The point is what information written is that is match with my nature, way of thinking.


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