Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)
1. The Moon rules mind – it is controller of mind. All your mental thinking is indicated by the placement of the Moon in your horoscope.
2. The Moon helps in fixing the appropriate time for any auspicious time as the Moon transits particular Nakshtra/Tithi etc.
3. In case of heavy afflictions, even an auspicious Mahurta may not give the needed results. (In other words, if the ruling `Dasha’ is bad, the native may not be in an advantageous position.
4. While coming for Mahurta, better bring your birth chart so that chances of failures are ministered after judging the strength of the horoscope.
5. For persons having no birth chart, judgement shall be made from their Name Nakshtra (constellation).
6. Panchanga consist of 5 (five) (limbs – Tithi (lunar day, Var (weekday), Nakshtra (Constellation), Yoga (a luni-solar day) and Karana (half of a lunar day). All these are representative of energy ) some visible and other invisible) and when properly secured become conducive for health, wealth and prosperity.
7. A common man is supposed to know, specially if having belief in astrology, that Janama-Nakshtra is the Nakshtra when the native was born and Janama-rasi is the sign in which the Moon was at the time of birth. A day ruled by one’s Janama Nakshtra is considered to be unfavourable by some astrologers but Janama Nakshtra is considered to be favourable for women for the purposes for marriage. Remove all your fears and contact the Author or Editor.
8. Normally, the people are afraid of Mars (Tuesdays). Tuesdays is not evil for certain purposes after mid-day.
9. Like birth hart, Mahurta Chart (electional chart) must be prepared. No day of the week is considered blemished if the lord there of is strongly placed in the election chart.
10. Venus, Mercury or Jupiter in the Lagna (ascendant) are capable of destroying all other adverse influences in the Horoscpe. Jupiter alone is capable of destroying all other adverse influences(evils).
11. Mere presence of the Moon or the Sun will act as an antidote for other evils.
12. If the angles (kendras) are well fortified, evil influences are neutralized.
13. A planet exalted in Lagna is also capable of nullifying the other adverse influences.
14. In our day to day life, some close human relationship inspire a sublime degree of happiness and the cases of love at first sight are well known. Why the people get attracted to each other, the astrology-the divine and oldest science has an answer. It would be apt to say that the placement of Mars-Venus in each other’s horoscope has a role to play for mutual attraction.
15. Increase your intellectual capital astrologically by knowing.
a) Fiery signs (Aries, Leo and Saggitarius) donot combine readily with watery (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) or earthy signs (Taurus,Virgo and Capricorn).
b) Airy signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) are compatible with airy and fiery signs.
c) Watery signs are compatible with watery and earthy and not with fiery or airy signs.
d) Earthy signs are not compatible with fiery or airy.
All these factors become responsible for development of relationship including partner which include both business and life partner.
16. Mars governs, inter-alia, specially in ladies horoscope, all matters governing marriage, sex life, ovaries an female organs. Mars with Moon become responsible for menstrual flow.
17. Mars is a hot planet and Venus the brightest but coldest. In a thermometer when the temperature is zero, it is cold and when temperature is more, it becomes hot. Venus and Mars in a horoscope serve as a thermometer to read all the sex life, marriage including scandals when involved with Rahu/Saturn.
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