As is well known that profession/business is one of the important facets of life. Believe or Not, ASTROLOGY had been and is the most Guiding Factor for indicating the suitable business-profession of the native. It depends on the planetary forces in the birth chart. At the outset it would be apt to refer to Lagna of the Native as some persons born under Movable Signs (Rasis) – Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are more prone to changes where-as persons born under Dual signs remain double minded even with regard to selection of the field of career – Science, Commerce, Art etc. The forces of Lagna Lagna and Lord must be considered.
2. The most important factor is 10th House an 10th Lord and if a connection is established with Lagna Lord and 10th House/Lord, the person concerned may rise well in his career. Suppose the rising Lagna is Gemini and Ruler of the Lagna Mercury gets to 10th House specially with the Sun, the native shall have professional rise unless the Budh-aditya Yoga comes under heavy afflictions from other malefics.
3. The Sun has major role to play in determining the profession of the native. The Sun exalts in Aries and deep exaltation point is 10 degrees in Aries (Nakshtra of Ketu, sign of Mars). All these planets would need consideration. Normally persons born in the Exaltation sign of the Sun rise well in their career even to the extent of High Government Official/Minister etc. The debilitation position of the Sun is Libra (deep debilitation 10 degrees in Libra). If other planets are good the native may hold some good position in Government but he is prone for more pitfalls specially from the Government including suspension/dismissel from service an that may become certain if Saturn associates with the Sun is any form.
4. Each Lagna has a say in the matter of selection of business/profession. It may not be possible to refer to all Ascendants/Lagnas but it would suffice to refer to Cancer and Leo Lagna Persons (including these Rasis). Cancer born persons are normally intelligent, industrious and they earn reputation for love of justice, fairplay, honesty and are self-reliant. Cancer’s Lord Moon is mother to all and enemy to none. They would avoid falsehood as far as it may become practical with reference to modern times. If the Moon occupies 10h House, such natives may also be involved in righteous deeds and shall hold a prominent position and if the Moon gets to 11th House, they become devoted to ideas they hold dear to their heart. Leo Lagna persons have been found to be energetic in their fields and shall be proudy and have their ego. They may not like subordination and want to be head of the department/organization. The Sun is the Lord of Leo and it has to be seen what is the position of the Sun i.e. exalted/debilitated/afflicted etc. Leo Lagna Persons have good prospects of finances and also in political career.They must try to get a spacious House to live specially in Hilly areas. If the Moon is well placed specially away from the Sun by about 72 degrees, this also boosts wealth and gives honour/fame etc. Weak and afflicted Moon can give eye-troubles.
5. Normally, an Astrologer would only look at the 10th House and 10h Lord. But a deep study of all factors, apart from Lagna and Lagna Lord, one must look to the Nakshtra of birth, Tithi (whether of Shukla Paksha or Krishna Paksha), Rising Yoga etc. In addition, the time of birth – whether of day or night, need also to be taken into consideration. Important Yogas (special combinations of planets) say of Budh aditya Yoga, Gaj-Kesri etc. must be properly determined and analysed to know the extent of rise/fall the native has in store in view of the total strength in the horoscope.
6. As is known there are 27 Nakshatras and in addition we have Abhijit Nakshtra. All Nakshtras have special indication for al matters of life including profession/business. It may not be possible to refer to all Nakshtras but it would suffice to say that Aswini born natives (Aswini rises in Aries upto 13.20 degrees and Exaltation point for the Sun is 10 degrees) normally get to high position and some Doctors/Engineers have come up apart from other persons to be wealthy and healthy. Similarly, Kritika Nakshtra is ruled by the Sun and falls in Aries and Taurus. Such persons hold high professional position in Government (IAS etc.). So the astro-analysis of other Nakshtras can be given.
7. Most of the persons fall after holding the High position and this would depend on the `Dasha’ (Major and minor periods of Vimshotri Dasha). It has been seen that most of the persons born in the dasha (balance) of Moon, Mars, Rahu rise in life after hard labour and depending on the position of Jupiter, they get/hold a good position in Jupiter’s Dasha or so. Others born with little balance of Saturn, followed by Merury’s Dasha, get to high position in the Dasha of the Sun and Venus, of course depending on the affliction, if any, on these planets.
8. You must have seen many horoscopes. As a part of research activities, see the force of planets for each individual and how the progress in profession/business is marred – may be on account combust/denbilitated or afflicted planets.
Chart No. 1 belong to a female who has to be a business women especially in the matters of art. See the force of planets. She was born with Jupiter in 4th House with exalted Venus aspecting the 10th House. Briefly, she is born with Mars in exaltation, Budh-aditya Yoga, Saturn in own sign (Aquarius), Venus in exaltation and Jupiter in own sign. Such natives definitely go ahead in their mission – rather such natives can become Minister etc.
9. Now let us have a look at another chart of a female (from Japan). See for yourself the force of planets and she may not be as successful as the lady in chart No. 1. The Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu move to previous Houses (halt). Lagna Lord though in 10th House is in the grip of Rahu-Ketu and aspected by Saturn. The Moon is also combust but still Jupiter and Venus may prove beneficial apart from Budh-aditya formed in the 2nd House.
10. Different versions have been given by Sages including Prashara, Bhrigu, Garg Hora Shastra, Uttarakalmitra, Jatak Parijat and many others. Now techniques and methods have been evolved by modern authors with regard to determination of profession and means of livelihood. Actually, the well-laid down principles need to be applied by the concerned Astrologer with reference to modern times. We have new concepts of Cellular phones, Information Technology etc. It is for the astrologer to apply his mind and know the truth of analysing various signification of planets. Signs and Nakshtras. Only a combined study shall prove helpful in the present day time. Without multiplying the wall laid down principles, it would suffice to say that according to Bhrigu Sutram, if the Sun is in 10th House, the native is bound to make distinctive achievements. Similarly, the Moon in 10th House can give high academic education, with Mars in 10th House, the native shall be acclaimed by people (recognition) and shall be fortunate and prosperous.
Thus goes the many-folded story of astrological dictums with regard to profesion/business.
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