The transit of Jupiter is critical in the timing of events. It
stays for 1 year in one sign and takes 12 years to complete one round. In 3
rounds it completes 36 years. Jupiter even gives the results connected with
employment which normally is the responsibility of Saturn. Thus Jupiter is also
given importance in the matter of livelihood during its transit even though the question of livelihood is usually considered from Saturn movement in
most cases. In conclusion, Jupiter and Saturn during their
transit can indicate the matters connected with livelihood. This is because
though the work is the result of Saturn the enjoyment is ascribed to Jupiter
who represents the soul.
One can safely say that any activity of life that the soul enjoys (good or bad) can be deciphered by the transit of Jupiter. But the same can be supplemented by the karaka representing the activity of
Saturn and Venus (Marriage etc.)
1st round of Jupiter Transit
The 1st round of Jupiter is for 12 years and in the 1st
round of transit it appears that Jupiter activates the Karakatwas planets
normally irrespective of sign placements. During the transit, the retrograde
planet (in natal) is considered to be in the previous sign of the natal chart. In
the 1st transit, it further appears that no influence of any aspects or other
aspects was considered. Thus based on the theory we shall see the result of transit
over 12 years.
When Aries in 1st round of 12 years enters in Aries, where it gets the aspect of retrograde Mars in Aries.
Native will suffer from wounds and swellings on account of
bad blood (Mars is karaka of wounds and swellings and blood. Pisces is also a
watery sign. Mars is a fiery planet in fiery sign and so it may be the cause
of these but Mars by itself is a main karka of wounds, swellings, and blood infections).
As Jupiter enters in Aries which would mean 3 years of age.
Mars in Aries is only giving the results of natural
Karakatwas of wounds and swellings due to bad blood. Normally Jupiter's excitation of retrograde planet will not give good results as in this case.
There is no planet to be excited in Taurus.
As Jupiter transits in Gemini where Rahu is situated.
Here Rahu is exalted which is karka for windy troubles.
Gemini by this way is also a windy sign. As Rahu is retrograde, some trouble is
expected. Thus Jupiter's transit over Rahu will make the child suffer from windy
troubles in his 6th year. The native gets well from all these troubles as Rahu is
exalted in Gemini and the next sign is Cancer the sign of exaltation of Jupiter
besides the lord of the sign Gemini Mercury is well placed and strong.
No planet in Cancer and Leo and so only the effect of
transit with no major events.
As Jupiter transits Virgo owned by Mercury and Libra owned by
Venus and both have an exchange of places, the natives will escape drowning. All
this happens at about 9th and 10th years.
Jupiter when transiting Virgo (karaka of well) with debilitated
Venus (watery plane) and so there will be drowning (Venus is debilitated). The
transit of Jupiter over Venus (a watery planet) in debilitation had not been good
and is mainly the cause of drowning. Next is transit over Libra where Mercury
is placed which is definitely not good as its lord Venus is placed in the 12th
sign. So, transit over 'Virgo owned by Mercury' and transit over 'Libra owned by Venus' is
not good.
as such but due to the exchange of Mercury's subtle effects in Virgo the sign
of exaltation and Venus gets its own sign Libra. Thus, due to the exchange of both
Venus and Mercury becomes strong and life is saved. It is due to the exchange that
the native is saved from drowning. Here also only Karaka was of planets and the effect of signs had been considered not even the effect of conjoining planets like the Sun enemy with Venus and Saturn friend with Mercury. Karakatwas of planets and the nature of signs only play a role.
Dr. A. Shanker
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